Chapter No 3 He is Clever

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He pushed the door. Nathan was sitting over his seat, after seeing him he got up, "Mr. Easton? What brings you here?" he said, startled. He walked towards him and punched him on the face.

"I told you Nathan, I have been receiving your complaints for the past few months, I told you to reform yourself and you did not, today you harass Miss Huston, despite her being my personal assistant. Mr. Nathan, how would you like to explain this?" he said in a very cold scary tone. Even Matilda felt a chill in her spin.

"How did he know?" she thought. "How he knows things without words, he is so sharp" she thought.

"Mr. Easton! I, I was I did not she is a liar" he said in a broken voice.

"Oh yeah she is?" he said while looking at her.

"Yeah of course sir!" he said, afraid.

He walked towards her and grabbed her hand.

"Then what is this Mr. Nathan? I saw her coming from your room when I was on the lift, she was about to cry, she had brushes over her hand and most noticeably she was terrified" he said while showing her wrist to him.

"He noticed this much deep? He should be an agent" she thought. Now she was feeling relaxed.

"Mr. Easton, you, you took it wrong, this woman, she is a slut she tried to seduce me" he said with anger. Hearing the word slut for herself, she felt a rush of anger in her body. But before she would have said anything he punched him on his face again.

"You are fired" he said in the same cold voice.

"Mr. Easton," he was about to say something but he cut him off in the middle.
"Grab your things I want you out within 10 minutes" he said and grabbed her wrist and pulled her with him. She was walking with him in a trance.

They reach his office and without a word he sits on his desk. She walked slowly towards her desk.

"Next time you will not do any other work except then mine you got it?" he said without looking at her.

"Okay Mr. Easton," she said slowly. He did not answer.

"Mr. Easton?" she called.

He looked up at her with his one eyebrow raised.

"Thanks" she said, but he did not reply.

She started working again.

He looked at her from the corner of his eyes. She was looking relaxed now.
After a long and tiring day, her hours are over now and she can easily go home. She got up "Have a nice evening Mr. Easton," she said, he was standing in front of a glass wall observing a view. He did not reply. She walks slowly out of the room.

He took his phone and dialed a number. "I want the data of all information about Miss Huston, everything about her life," he said and hung up the phone.

It was a tiring day for her, she decided to get some sleep after feeding the cat, who was feeling much better. She named her Rosa. She lay on the bed and closed her eyes.

The very first face that came into her mind was Mr. Easton. She opened her eyes. "Why is he on my mind? this guy, even he tells the work to my mind" she thought while getting up. She made her cup of coffee as she did not want to sleep, she took the mug with her on the balcony, it was quite a good place to live.

It was the weekend. She was going shopping, because she had to attend a party with Mr. Easton. She buys a beautiful navy blue dress which costs part of her savings.

"Its expensive" she thought. After a while she sat in the nearby ice cream parlor and ordered her favorite vanilla and chocolate. She was staring at nothing, thinking about her past life, something she hates most. The ice cream was now all melted down. She was living in Canada alone, no friends, no relatives, but isn't this what she always has desired?

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