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Okay so I know I said that I wouldn't make an oc, but I promise I won't be biased and reading the other submissions, I just had to. The urge was too great. Anyways, I honestly hope you guys hate my character, if you don't then tell me what will make you hate her, I'm really trying here.


Full name:  Brooklyn (changed to Brook) Taylor Sabbagh

Nicknames: Brook

Chosen pronouns: Gender fluid (if you don't know, that means they change between female and male a lot, and in this case non-binary as well.) (I'm gonna refer to her with she/her pronouns for her file so it's less confusing)

Born gender (m/f): Female

Sexuality: pansexual

Code name: Aries

Abilities: Time manipulation (but she can only slow it down, can't speed it up or time travel)

Age: 15


Height: 5'1"

Weight: About 95 lbs

Body type: Very bony and tiny

Skin tone: Olive to tan

Hair color: dark brown, lighter at the tips

Hair style: Long, wavy, ends a few inches below her shoulder, up in a bun or down.

Eye color: Hazel

Eye shape: almond shaped, big

Facial hair/eye brows: no facial hair, clean cut eyebrows the same color as her hair.

Any scars, birthmarks, etc: N/A


Family (parents, siblings, etc. names are optional): her mom, Quamar, her dad, Ahmad, cousins, aunts, and uncles she isn't close with.

Friends from when they were human: Her crush Chloe, tall and athletic, rude to everyone she doesn't know. Her gay friend Ezra. Typical gay person.

Knows anyone dead: Nope

How do they feel about the Neverseen: Fake: appreciate of them, they saved Brook and gave her a new life she actually enjoys. Real: Hates them with every fiber of her being.

How do they feel about the Black Swan: Fake: Thinks they're evil and tried to kill her parents. Real: thinks that they need to do more in the world than just sit on their lazy butts, but are better than the Neverseen.

How do they feel about the council: Fake: The reason why her life went all wrong, wants to kill every single one. Real: thinks they're useless and would rather have any other type of government.

How do they feel about the Moonlark: Fake: she's useless and shouldn't be feared. She doesn't understand the big deal with her. Real: pities how she was taken from her life and thrown into this one with trauma and pressure. Understands the pain of being forced into something you didn't ask for.

Backstory given to them by the Neverseen: Her parents were a bad match working for the Neverseen. The council isn't too keen on non-heterosexuals or gender fluid people so they banished her, and her parents came with. She lived in a Neverseen hideout with her parents when they got attacked by the Black Swan, who killed her parents. She lives with the Neverseen ever since, and manifested when she was thirteen.

Actual Human backstory: She had a perfect, loving, and supportive family, but people at her school, including her own friends, would bully her, especially about her weight when she wad normal weight, which caused her to get anorexia nervosa. A month before she was taken, she went on her Pilgrimage with her parents, which she blames as the reason why she was suspicious of the Neverseen, because Allah was protecting her.


For formal occasions: A fancy dress or a suit (suit usually)

Casual wear: human clothes or comfy tunic and leggings.

Makeup: only for special occasions and when she's a girl, when she does wear it, it's the full shebang.

Headwear: a hijab with her real memories. Otherwise nothing.

Accessories (jewelry): N/A


Inside personality: insecure but also proud of herself. Loyal and loving to others. Likes her peace and quiet, and to be quiet. 

Outside personality: Loud, realist, very stern, untrusting, impatient, kinda a bad*ss rude b***h that all readers get annoyed with and hate. (If you guys hate her then I'm doing my job right XD)

Strengths: Efficient, fast, lots of endurance, wary, good at planning.

Weaknesses: doesn't trust easily, impatient, cold to people.

Likes: planning, fighting, organizing, talking to the Nightlings, praying (with real memories), pranks 

Dislikes: talking to people she doesn't know, disorganization, sickness, germs in general, betrayal.

Fears: Watching those she loves die, failing, birds, Black Swan with fake memories, Neverseen with real.

Motivation(s): keeping loved ones safe, Allah.

Habits: biting the peeling skin off her lip (anyone else do that?), tapping her fingers.

Hobbies: praying, running, puzzles/strategic games.

What did they want to be when they were older in the human world: fbi, and if that didn't work out, a home organizer/decorator.

What do they want to be when they're older in the elven world: Same thing basically.

Personality towards other Nightlings (ex. Protective, mean, etc): kinda rude, doesn't want to get attached or she thinks that she'll get hurt, protective, would rather die than have them be hurt.

OTHER (all optional):

Mental disabilities/impairments: N/A

Physical disabilities/impairments: anorexia nervosa

Pets?: N/A

People they care the most about: human family, Chloe and Ezra, other Nightlings.

Favorite weapons: her ability, hand-to-hand combat, human gun.

Objects they carry around: hand wraps, pencil and paper

Opinion on specific other submissions: Rohini: Annoyed with how she tried to take charge and talk to Brook. Daniel: Hates his preppy personality and how he constantly sneaks up on her. Evgen: One of her favorites, he leaves her alone and gets the job done quick and easy. Kathleen: like Daniel, she hates her happy personality and how clingy she is. Brook doesn't excuse the fact that she had separation anxiety, regular anxiety, depression, or is bipolar. Rhory: enjoys her sarcastic personality since she relates to it. Probably one of the people she's closest to just because she isn't annoying or overly peppy. Spencer: the one person who can make her soft. She loves hanging around him and actually acts happy around him. He brings out the best in her personality. Lani: She also enjoys being around Lani since they're also similar. Likes how she's closed off since Brook is the same. Kioni: gets easily annoyed with her dimness and makes lots of sarcastic comments. Brook doesn't mean to hurt her feelings, but she feels the need to keep up the facade. Micah: thinks his jokes are funny but hates his optimistic attitude since she's a severe realist.

Anything I'm missing?: Obviously, she's devout Muslim, Arabic, and her ability is severely draining for her.

The Nightlings (A KotLC Applyfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें