Chapter One: What's the plan?

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"Okay okay, I'm sorry, but you want us to do what?" Alvar asked, shock coating his voice.

"Kidnap humans." The new lady, Vespera, told them. "I have a list of the ones I want you to and where to find them. If anyone sees you getting taking them, just knock them out. It's perfect for the plan and is a sure way to take down the Moonlark and the Black Swan with her." Her smirk made Fintan's blood run cold. He'd always thought of himself as cold hearted, not afraid to do what was right, but this? This was pure evil. One of the humans on the list was five years old! Five! And who knew what the Ancient would do with them.

"How can a small group of humans possibly defeat the exact people we've been fighting for years?" Ruy asked.

"Do you even hear yourself, Ruy?" Glimmer asked, pure annoyance in her tone. "They're humans! And where did Sophie grow up? Humanville! Plus, they're young. Her hero complex is going to set in and she's going to want to save them all. It's the perfect plan Vespera."

"Of course it is, why wouldn't it be?" Vespera asked. "If any of you doubt me, you can just leave and join the puny Moonlark's little gang."

"That won't be necessary." Fintan jumped in. "I have no doubts of your mind, Vespera, but are you sure this will work? We need all of the details, the entire plan. Humans go missing everyday, how will we introduce them to the Moonlark. How will we make them think they're regular elves? I think we should stick to a more reliable plan—still be going along with this one, though—so we can focus on more important things in case this doesn't work out." Several heads nodded in agreement.

"But we still go along with my plan?" Vespera asked, desperation sinking into her voice.

"Of course. You will be in complete control of it, just make sure it doesn't take time or resources away from bigger plans. Gethen will be there to help you with their memories. And you can only pick a few low-class members to go retrieve the humans." He turned to the rest of the meeting. "Is this all settled?"

A chorus of yes filled the room except for one snort. All eyes turned to some kid at the back of the room, his cloak bunched around him as he rubbed sleep from his eyes. He looked up to catch everyone staring at him and quickly shifted his demeanor, becoming serious and enthusiastic.

"So... what's the plan?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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