Chapter 6: The Alien Robots

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It was dark. Summer couldn't feel anything or see anything, but she could hear a single voice speaking to her; it was raspy and distant, but not bad enough that she couldn't hear the words chanted to her.

"Kill them all."

"Destroy them."

"Obliterate them."

"Rip them apart from the inside."

"Take all that they hold dear and use it against them."


Summer suddenly became aware that she was awake and her body felt stiff. Frozen. Staring at the bottom of the bed above her, Summer swallowed hard and then managed to twitch her fingers. The small movement seemed to fix the trance her nightmare had put her in and Summer sat up.

She looked around the room, noticing a small clock that read the time. 2:37 in the morning. Hearing the faint, but familiar sound of Miko snoring, Summer got up and made her way to the door.

Her hand landed on the handle and stayed there for a moment, deciding whether or not it was safe to go out into a base full of aliens without being accompanied.

But of course, Mr. Kayne trusted them, and they didn't seem all that bad yesterday, so Summer twisted the doorhandle and quietly made her way outside. She made sure the door shut without a noise, not wanting to wake up June. She didn't have to worry about Miko, considering the girl slept like a rock.


Summer shook her head, trying to get rid of the echo of her nightmare. The fact that her mind would come up with such horrible things made Summer feel like a monster.

She'd cost so many people their lives. She'd made so many people suffer. Even aliens, she supposed.

Aliens. It was crazy to think of them, to know that there really was life out there and they had been waging a war on Earth without anyone even knowing. Summer had always thought herself to be the strangest living being out there, but she knew now that she was certainly wrong.

It wasn't as if she didn't believe in aliens, but Summer always imagined that when aliens were found, they'd be some strange form of bacteria and the whole world would go into quarantine.

Not robots.

Certainly not alien robots who were civilized... to some extent at least. They were fighting a war, after all.

Someone loudly cleared their throat and snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked around in confusion.


There was a moment of silence.

"You seem to have found your way into my berthroom."

Summer jumped slightly in surprise as the blue wall next to her shifted and moved to the side. She realized that it was not a wall, but rather, the leg of one of the aliens.

"Oh gosh, I am so sorry." Summer scrambled backward, trying to put some distance between herself and the metal titan. She looked around in panic, searching for the door she had wandered in while on autopilot.

"Was it not your intention to come in here?" He asked, looking down at her with a frown. "Are you lost?"

Summer scrambled for words, her mind moving a thousand miles per hour. Fear wedged it's way into her and Summer immediately jumped to the conclusion that this thing was going to eat her. She was bite-sized.

How would it feel to be eaten alive? Or would the beast kill her? Maybe he'd swallow her whole and Summer would just be alive in his belly, slowly, painfully, being disintegrated in stomach acid.

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