3: Friday Night

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Mackenzie's P.O.V

Friday night rolled around fast and I was nose-deep into a riveting novel. My glasses perched on my nose as I reread a line that had been missed. I was wrapped up in a blanket from head to toe in fuzzy shorts and socks, and an oversized green knitted sweater that my oldest sister Livi got her. It was one of the few things I brought with me to Uni to remember her by. I missed Liv and sometimes I wondered if I was the only one. Liv was a sore topic back home so I just never really talked about it. Maya didn't seem to care much either.

It rained earlier and after the gentle shower washed the city, it left the campus in hushed silence, save for Jonas' Halloween welcome party, the knowledge I had all thanks to Anna McCall, a wealthy first year was getting ready to go to said party. Since Anna started Uni, I had never seen her miss a single party and truthfully, I was impressed by the power bank of energy she was running on. It was basically custom that she stumbled in late after curfew drunk or just plain out of it

Regardless, she managed to be on top of her all classes without much effort. It just felt like she was passionless about it though. Art was where her heart was. I could tell. Plastered on the walls on her side of the room were sketches of dresses and skirts, planned to perfection. It was mind-boggling how she could plan a sketch to the T, yet be so careless but it wasn't like I hated it. In a way, having her as a roommate let me live vicariously through her. I saw her experience everything I was curious about. All my questions were answered by simply observing her. All the stupid things I might have wanted to do, I saw how it unfolded and I didn't need to go test the tidal wave for myself to confirm it was a bad idea.

"Hey Mac," Anna, my roommate called to me, as she grabbed her keys off the nightstand and stuffed them in her satchel. I looked up from the book I was reading, 'How To Kill A Mockingbird', to give her my slightly divided attention. "Are you sure you want to stay in this room and rot from asociality?" 

"Are you sure you want to party with a bunch of asswipes that just want to stick their dicks inside you for self-pleasure and ignore your needs?"

"The party is gonna be loads of fun." She winked.

I shook my head. Anna wasn't really inviting me, she was just offering to be nice. Plus parties weren't my thing. All it was was a house full of smelly people gyrating against one another. Anna coming in after curfew, drunk and sweaty was enough proof of that. Dudes trying to get naked girls to jump off the roof into the pool and loud music designed to deafen my young ears. Anna wasn't the chill, laid-back type, if the party wasn't in complete chaos, I doubt she'd be going in the first place, "Tom Robinson has me hooked," I gave her a weak smile. "Maybe some other time?"

She nodded with something in her eyes, "Suit yourself." Her eyes told me she thought I was predictable, that was a regular plain Jane, simple and basic. "Cover for me, will you? I don't want to have to pay another fine." It wasn't a request. She was telling me that I was going to need to cover for her if I wanted to keep my neck intact.

Anna looked herself over in the full-length mirror, tucking her strawberry red hair behind her ear, bedazzled with piercings then pulled her black and distressed frayed denim skirt up, so it would appear shorter.

"Sure." I smiled but I was panicking. My head spun and I could feel the stress eating away at the brown in my hair, leaving grey ones in the mix. Cover for her? Curfew was at twelve, so, I hoped to God she'd be back before then. I didn't want to be a snitch but I was also incapable of creating the perfect lie, especially without practice. Missing curfew meant a fine or suspension and no one wanted that on their records. Not unless you were my free-spirited roommate.

Anna was the unlucky freshman who was doomed to share a room with me. We weren't friends, simply because I wasn't the sort of person she'd hang out with and beside our playful banter, we have nothing in common. Anna was loud and out there and I was... not. She spoke to me quite a few times but I know it was because she pitied me, the uninteresting college student with no friends and I didn't blame her.

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