Part 2

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Inside of fatima's apartment she's showered and changed clothes and is now sitting in bed reading a book with a glass of wine....she's not really paying attention to what she's reading because her mind is on Zac and shes worried about if he's safe or not and how he didn't tell her he was locked up but told jake of all people....she all of a sudden hears a knock at the door, thinking it could be zac she rushes to answer it, so lost in her thoughts, not even realizing that zac has a key she pulls the door open and instantly got mad when she saw it was hayden....frowning she says...."wtf do you want, why are you just popping up to my house, you know i dont fck witchu like that nigga, as a matter of fact never mind"....she attempts to close the door but he puts his foot in the way...."you may wanna hear me out fatima."....she tells him to move his foot because she doesnt wanna hear anything from him at all....he keeps standing there with the stupidest look on his face and tells her hes not going anywhere until she talks to him, and that he knows zac isnt coming in tonight because hes the reason he was locked up in the first place....pissed off she pushes him out of her doorway but he grabs her arm before she could close the door and forces his way inside...."get tf outta my house before i blow your head off nigga."...fatima says going to her purse...hayden knew what she was going to get so he rushes her and knocks her to the floor and grabs her gun outta her purse, he points it at her and tells her to get tf up, she gets up and he points toward her room and tells her to get in there....she tells him "no you are such a fkn coward., you wanna know why i chose zac over you, because he's a real man, he doesn't need to point a gun at a woman to make himself feel big. He's not insecure and arrogant, he doesn't think he's better than the next person and he doesn't look down on people who are less fortunate than he is, he helps them without judgment. You could never be Zac. You don't even hold a candle to him....even if he got locked up for life I'd be right there for him and I'd never in life be with you. Look at you, you are not even attractive standing there looking like you are about to pass out, what's wrong my gun too heavy for you?"....Fatima starts laughing at him because he's pathetic....he's pissed now because she's laughing at him and he didn't understand why she didn't see how great of a catch he was. He walks up to her and tells her to shut up and backhands her, she grabs her jaw and tells him he hits like a bitch and punches him in his eye. Hayden stumbles back a little holding his eye and Fatima grabs for her gun but he recovers quickly and cracks her upside the head with the butt of the gun. She gets woozy and her vision is slightly blurred from the impact, Hayden takes this time to go behind her and grabs her around the neck in a chokehold, and drags her to her bedroom. He throws her on the bed and starts tryna pull her pajama bottoms off, Fatima realizing what he's doing starts frantically kicking at him, she lands one in his chest and he stumbles back, she tries to quickly crawl to the end of the bed for her wine bottle but the little bastard was on her before she could reach it, he turned her over and gut punched her in her stomach so hard she started coughing and shaking. Once she was down he hurriedly pulled her pajamas pants off got on top of her and ripped her shirt open, she tried to fight him off of her but she had the wind knocked out of her which made it difficult for her to even breathe so she didn't have much fight left in this point she was petrified because she already knew what was about to happen but she didn't wanna give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry or scared so she just laid there and waited for the inevitable....hayden satisfied she finally stopped fighting proceeded to rip her panties off and climbed between her legs rubbing her private area he says to her...." i'm about to show you a real man bitch,"....he bent down and started fondling her breast and trying to tongue kiss her and she bit his tongue, he started choking her with one hand and unbuckling his pants tryna get them down with the other while the gun was still in his hand, he let her neck go and slapped her and told her if she tried something else he would put a bullet through her head, fatima laid there coughing and wheezing she turned her head to the side and let a single tear slip wishing zac was there because she never needed him like she needs him in this moment.....

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