Part 3

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The next morning Zac calls Andi and tells her Fatima won't be in because she's sick and had to go to the hospital, he tells Andi she needs a few days off and Andi agrees and tells him to have Fatima call her when she's feeling up to it. Zac agrees to do that and hangs up...Andi is in her office worried about Fatima because if zac had to call for her it must be serious, so she vows to go see her after work to see how she's doing.

Back at the hotel fatima is still sitting on the couch, she hasn't said much of anything, she hasn't slept or eaten and zac is super worried about her..."Babe would you like some breakfast?"...."no thanx"....ok im gonna run out and get some, are you gonna be ok here by yourself or i could just have something delivered."...."i'll be fine"...she told him knowing she wasn't gonna be fine, she didn't want him to leave her by herself, but she also didn't wanna be a burden on him either so she pretended like everything was all good...."bae i'll be no more than 20 mins, im just going up the block, call me if you need anything i love you"....he told her and kissed her on the forehead before heading out the door....alone and scared fatima started crying again letting out the tears she'd been holding in since last night....starting to get paranoid fatima thinks she hears the door knob twisting so she jumps up and runs to the closet, closes the door and sits down holding her knees to her chest and rocking she can't believe this is her life right now.

Zac has gotten his breakfast and is heading back to the hotel when jake calls him...." what's up man, hows Fatima doing?"...." she not doing too good bro, she tryna stay strong for me but I can see how it's eating at her man.....DAMN BRO.... I should have killed that nigga last night when I had the chance man."....Zac is crying now because he feels like it's his fault because he wasn't there to protect her...." man don't do that shit to yourself, the only person at fault is the p*ssy ass nigga who did it. If you think like that, just imagine what's going through Fatima's mind. She probably blames herself and that's not good for either one of yall."....Jake felt so bad for the both of them that he could only imagine what they were going through...." thanx bro I really needed to hear that, I gotta stay strong for my baby cause she really needs me right now. She is trying her best to stay strong for me but I don't need her to be strong for me. I need her to let everything out so that she can begin to heal from this bro.".....Zac and Jake talked for a few more minutes before they hung up. Zac headed into the hotel and back to his room....he opened the door and didn't see Fatima and instantly started to panic....he started calling her name and looking around, he checked the bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen no Fatima, his panic was through the roof when he turned and saw the closet door he ran to it, snatched it open and finally released the breath he was holding, Fatima was balled up in the closet asleep.... at that moment his heart ached for her because she looked like a frightened child, he could even tell in her sleep how distressed she was and he couldn't do anything to ease her mind or her pain....he softly picked her up because he didn't wanna scare or awaken her because she needed to sleep....he gently placed her on the bed, went and locked up the hotel room, ate, took a shower and got in the bed with her, he wrapped his arms around her and went to sleep.

Karen is at her shop she's been calling Zac's phone non stop all morning...." I know he see me calling him, but he let that bitch get in his head and now he wanna try and play me, oh i got something for that ass.".....karen proceeds to send fatima an old video of her and zac, and zac telling her she's the only one he loves and he's gonna always come back to her no matter what, there's no other woman for him but karen, then they start having sex.....karen downloads the video to her phone and sends it to fatima with a message attached to it saying " ever wonder whatcha so called man is doing when he aint witcha, have fun for now bitch cause you won't have him for long you homewrecking whore, you the pass around kind of bitch that niggas use just for a nut and then throw you back to the streets where you belong, i told you he'll be back, he always comes back, you were just something to do for the time being, he likes playing with sluts so i let him have fun from time to time lol (smiley face)".....message sent....feeling good about what she had just done she really hoped that the message and video got under Fatima's skin because she hated her guts for having Zacs heart, Karen always felt that no woman could ever get Zac's heart but her, and when fatima came along and did it that caused a fire of hatred to burn deep down inside of Karen....karen called Andi and asked did she wanna go out to dinner after work and have a girls night, Andi said yeah but that she was gonna visit Fatima first to see how she was doing....rolling her eyes Karen said " what's wrong wit ha?"....Andi told Karen Zac said she wasn't feeling good and she just wanted to check up on her and make sure she was alright...." What is with this girl that got yall so head over hills for ha, I don't like ha, I don't wanna keep hearing ha name, and yet every time I turn around it's Fatima this Fatima that? Why tf is everybody so team Fatima?".....Karen was fuming, she was so sick of always hearing about Fatima in her group, she felt like since she didn't like her no one should.....Andi was holding the phone rolling her eyes, she was tired of Karen's temper tantrums every time Fatima's name came up...."Karen no don't do that because as I recall before you found out she and zac were dating you really liked her and now all of a sudden you hate her guts? She didn't steal your man Karen, you gave him away in hopes that he was gonna be there when you finished playing with Aaron and he wasn't and now you're taking it out on Fatima when she's innocent in this....she even tried to leave zac alone when she found out he was your ex and y'all weren't even friends. That's the type of person she is plus she had my back when I needed it most....Karen come on she's a sweet girl cut her some slack....and friend I'm only telling you this because I love you and I don't wanna see you hurt....they are feeling each other, like head over hills feeling each other and I don't think zac is coming back this time. I've seen them together and he looks like he's in love friend, they both do."....." ok Andi I don't wanna hear this shit, he'll be back, he always comes back, and if he doesn't willingly then I'll make it to where he has no choice."....Karen shrugged her shoulders as if Andi could see her through the phone.....Andi is taken aback by what Karen just said and asked her what did she do....Karen tells her nothing just sent Fatima a little message letting her know who her so-called new man is...Andi is disgusted at Karen's behavior and tells her she has to go and that she'll talk to her later. She hangs up the phone and calls Fatima but she gets no answer so she leaves her a message telling her to call her back, and if she doesn't hear from her before she leaves work she was gonna call her again. She hangs up the phone and continues to work.

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