Part 8

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The next morning at the hospital....Zac ended up sleeping in the family lounge. Fatima was back in her hospital room getting herself ready so that she could be discharged. The doctor told her everything was good so she can go home this morning. She was in her feelings because when she woke up zac wasn't there, she thought he had left the hospital after all. (But wasn't she the one who told him to leave tho...exactly now her over-emotional ass mad)...Zac had just woken up, stretching he looked at the time, it was 10:43 am he figured Fatima would be woke by now so he went to her room, she was sitting on the bed fully dressed with the saddest look on her face. "Good morning babe, you ok?...good morning," she said as she slightly rolled her eyes his way...zac caught it but chose to ignore it. He was still tired, his back was dead from that hard couch and he was still aggravated from the stunt karen pulled so he was not in the best of moods. He knew Fatima would still be mad but it kind of pissed him off that she was so quick to not trust him, after everything they'd been through together he at least thought she would give him the benefit of the doubt, but noooo she was in her feelings and didn't care about his at the moment....always having to be the bigger person he pushed his pride to the side because at the end of the day, she was his world, that was his baby and he didn't care if she was in her feelings he was gonna love on her anyway..." I see you're dressed, did the doctor discharge you yet?....yep...okay you ready to go?....waiting on my papers....aaight imma head to the cafeteria cause im starving, do you want some breakfast or anything...nope...alright well by the time I'm finished the doctor should be back with your papers, ill be right back, I love you....hmm mmh."...was all she said...Zac walked out and went to the cafeteria, frustrated was an understatement, of what he was feeling. He just walked and mumbled to himself while people were looking at him like he was crazy, only if they knew all the bull shit he was dealing with they would surely the time he made it back to her room she had her discharge papers and was ready to go. The nurse brought a wheelchair for her to be wheeled out in, she didn't want to but she knew zac would fuss if she didn't sit down in it plus it was hospital policy...On the car ride home it was quiet, Zac tried talking to Fatima a few times but she only gave him one-word answers, so after a while, he just stopped completely.

After they made it home, Zac got her situated, even though she complained about not needing his help, he got her prescriptions told her he was going to get them filled, kissed her on her forehead, and left. He needed some air because the tension in the house was to thick. He made his way to the pharmacy, had the prescriptions filled, and headed straight to the police station to file a restraining order on Karen. ( he was fed up with that hoe.) After he finished with that he called Fatima to see if she was hungry but she didn't answer so he just got her some food anyway and headed home.

At the house Fatima was livid, Zac had been gone for a little over four hours, he said he was going to get her prescription filled and he'd be right back so it had her wondering if he was out with Karen or someone else (girl he out there tryna please you and get some air cause you getting on his nerve, he won't tell you that but I will)...Zac is just walking in the door with their food and goes to the kitchen to wash his hands and get the food out....." hey babe are you hungry, I brought us some food back and I got your medicine."....crickets... Fatima is just sitting there not saying anything. Zac thinking maybe she didn't hear me since I'm in the kitchen, goes and stands directly in front of her and repeats himself, but she still didn't respond...." Hello earth to Fatima, babe, are you hungry?"...again at this point zac is becoming frustrated because he's tired of being a punching bag for everyone else. He's going through his own problems and everyone seems to forget he's human too...zac just throws his hands up in surrender and walks away from her because he just doesn't have the energy for her attitude right now..." your food will be in the microwave whenever you ready for it."...he walks away, warms his food up and goes upstairs to eat...tima just sitting there upset because she knows deep down he innocent but shes not completely in her right state of mind so those inner demons of hers are playing on her emotions...she went to the kitchen and got her anxiety pills and took one, went back to the couch and laid down...she wanted so bad to go upstairs and lay in zacs arms and be coddled but she knew she was probably the last person he wanted to see, plus her pride wouldn't let her (this girl gone let pride push her man right out the door and imma be there with open arms waiting on him lofl zac im here if you need me)

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