18. spotify n music wrap

469 8 40

Words 457

Finney - nostalgickid
Robin - robinyobrothrr
Bruce - ballragesfiance
Vance - brucesrighthand
Griffin - background
Billy - Dogloverbob
Gwen - robinhater

| December 2nd Sunday 12:00 PM |
Homophobic to Homosexual 😱

everyone is online


Dogloverbob: mine is boring 😐 i don't even use spotify i use apple music

robinyourbrothrr: 😹😹

Dogloverbob: stfu

Ballragesfiance: my first artist is melanie martinez 💪

Dogloverbob: mine is billie eloeish.. idk how i got her tf

robinhater: 😱

brucesrighthand: huh

background: you don't even listen to music other than the radio be quiet

brucesrighthand: don't talk to me like that boy

robinyourbrothrr: oldie

brucesrighthand: tf

nostalgickid: mine was the smashing pumpkins 🤗🤗

Ballragesfiance: my top genre was alternative and second alternative rock

nostalgickid: mine was rock and second alternative 😧

Dogloverbob: my top genre is alternative and second pop 😭

background: boring

Dogloverbob: be quiet you dojt even have enough money to listen on spotify


Dogloverbob: 😕

brucesrighthand: L

robinyourbrothrr: my top music is mask sus remix

brucesrighthand: tf

nostalgickid: ☠️

Ballragesfiance: WHAT

background: how can you gen listen to that

robinyourbrothrr: it's comforting whenever i'm sad i put that on repeate

Ballragesfiance: you need help..

nostalgickid: robin hun no... pls no..

robinyourbrothrr: bruce weren't you a dsmp fan before?

Ballragesfiance: stfu

nostalgickid: not was a fan instead was a stan

Ballragesfiance: this is slander etopp

brucesrighthand: didnt bruce say you were a warrior cat fan

nostalgickid: stfu at least i didjt love gregnotfoimd

brucesrighthand: whos tf is tjat

nostalgickid: ☠️ m

Ballragesfiance: stop stop
Ballragesfiance went offline

background: bro ☠️

| December 2nd Sunday 4:30 PM |
Homophobic to Homosexual 😱

everyone is online

Dogloverbob: now that i think abt it gwen doesn't even talk on the gc a lot

background: thats bc she says

robinhater: it's bc i don't wanna become a slave to the technology world, and become a healthy good mannered, and stable kid, i don't want to be like finney

nostalgickid: HEY WTF

robinhater: what you're emo bc of the internet remember that one time uk

brucesrighthand: uk?

nostalgickid: wonder what she was gonna say!! hhah 😁😁

Ballragesfiance: finney i know what she was gonna say

nostalgickid: pls don't say it

Ballragesfiance: i won't bc i'm a good bsf

robinyourbrothrr: ??

brucesrighthand: damn what ever happened to Blake

Dogloverbob: 🤷‍♀️

background: probably got cyber bullied enough where he was in his lowest time and didn't have a stable brain where he was gonna khs

nostalgickid went offline

brucesrighthand: oh

robinhater: he's crying now

background has deleted 1 messgae

Ballragesfiance: :((

robinyourbrothrr went offline

brucesrighthand: bro a simp

background: stfu you know damn well you'll comfort Bruce as well

Dogloverbob: weren't you the one making him cry

brucesrighthand: hey yeah

background: i mean i didnt mean too 🤷‍♀️

Ballragesfiance: sus


hhehejakqoekem 👍

- Q

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