chapter 6- LUCA✨

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it has been a whole week since Aliya and its killing me not talking to her. I know i probally overreacted but i was just upset. Aliya has never been on a date before not even talked to one except me. She dosent knnow what shes doing i dont want them to take advantage of her.

I will kill anybody if they touch her. Thats why i want her with me so things like that dont have to happen

I see Emily outside the school looking like she was waiting for her. Not saying I word I walk past her.

She stops me as she grabs my hand. "Just so you know I heard my dumbass of a brother and Zach talking about having sex with Aliya" she said

"Why would I care?" I said not turning around "I know you love her I see the way you look at her Luca"

"Then why are you telling me then" I say confused " I may not like her but I'm not for men tearing nor taking advantage of a girl." She says looking at me

"Ok I'll take care of it"

I see Aliya and stare at her for a few seconds. She catches my gaze but I don't stop looking at he she looks so beautiful

Damn what is she doing to me

She tears her eyes from and walk pass me

———- ——


Walking to my first period I see Zach and Aliya walk in. I want to rip his fucking head apart. As I try to keep my calm I walk past them and sit behind Aliya

Right before the bell rings I decide to tell Aliya

I sit up "all he wants to do is get in your pants Aliya

"What the hell Luca why would you say that" she says looking at my angry

Before I could say anything she get up and walks out before the bell ring
Before going home I see Zach outside beside his motorcycle man this dude looks like a pussy.

As I walk up to him I punch him in the face " if Aliya tells me that you hurt her I will FUCKING kill you" I say turning and walking back into the school.

As I'm walking to the library I see Emily and Aliya in a heated conversation.

The next thing I know I see Emily on the floor.

I run up to her not thinking. Emily said all those things about Aliya that wasn't fucking true

If I could I would really slap that bitch.

"What is wrong with you, why would you do that Aliya" I said trying to seem like I'm still mad at her

"How could you say that after what she just said to me." She says running away


As I'm sitting in bed I think back on how I responded to her.

Feeling really bad I pull out my phone to call her but I see that's she's already calling me

"Hi prince-" "Luca pls come get me" she says sobbing into the phone

I jump up from my bed "what happened are you ok? Where are you?" I ask getting worried

"I'm at home pls hurry Luca" I hang up not giving her another chance to talk

I arrive at her house before I could even get out the car she jumps in

"DRIVE" I do as she says

"what the hell happened Aliya, are you ok?" I asked

She didn't answer and just shook her head at this point I'm about to loose my shit if she doesn't tell me what happened

"Z-z-Zach tried to rape me" She say breaking down "HE FUCKING DID WHAT, I swear TO GOD ALIYA I WILL FUCKING KILL HIM" I say gripping the stirring wheel tightly

I'm going to kill that fucking dick

"Where is he?" I asked getting really frustrated "Where THE FUCK IS HE ALIYA?" He says shouting and I got scarred " at my house" She say looking at me

"I'm turning around" i say looking for somewhere to turn around

"N-N-N-Nooooo plss don't I don't want to be at my house I just want to be with you Luca" She says crying

I hate seeing her cry.

Shes looking at me with pleading eyes

"When I see him hes dead." I say pulling up at my house

As we where coming through the door I see my mom

"Oh Hi Aliya it's so good to see you sweetheart!" She's says

"Hi" before she can say anything else I cut her off

"We can't speak right now mom Aliya had a bad day so we are just going to head to my room" i say pulling Aliya tightly into my side

"Awwww ok. Aliya sweetie if you need anything I'm right here" I turn around and give her a smile

"Here you can change into this. And yes you can use my bathroom." She looks up at me with those pretty doe eyes and kisses me in my cheek

Even in the worst situations she know how to make me fell

"do you have a blanket I'll just sleep on the couch?"

"Princess have you lost your mind my mom would literally kill me. She would give up her bed just for you to sleep in her room." and also I would much rather have you in here with me princess."

I say with puppy dog eyes

"Ok fine I'll sleep in here."

As she was moving to the floor I quickly pull her on to my bed I be damned if she sleep on the floor

I swing my arm around her waist and pull her into me

I could smell my sent all over her God she's going to make me loose my mind

"Good night princess." Kissing the back of her head

"Goodnight" I see her drifting to sleep

"ti amo principessa avrei voluto che tu potessi rimanere nel mio mondo per sempre!" I say before putting my face in the crook of her neck.( I love you princess. I wish you could stay in my world forever.)

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