CH. 12

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"i win, you lose!!"

"DAMNIT!!!! ugh, 2 to 3, i guess."

"see, this is why you dont buy a house everytime you encounter those sections, you have like 30 dollars left."

"isnt that how the game is supposed to be?? buying everything you see"

"blocky thats being greedy"

"isnt that the point of the game??"

"i have NO idea. i haven't played this game for so long, i only do what i remember we're supposed to do."

they both laughed.

none of them remembered how to play, but that's the fun of it!

throughout the whole game, whenever one of them makes a mistake,

they have to give the other person like 50 dollars.

thats not how the game goes but it makes it a bit more fun.

"okay i have to tidy up now."

woody picks up the props and placed them back in the box.

"so, like.. what do we do now..?"

blocky asked.

"hmm.. we can just.. talk? like we usually do?"

woody sat next to him.

"but what do we talk about??"

"i dunno, whatever comes to our minds goes out of our mouth."

"not usually."

"hm? what do you mean?"

blocky blushed, realizing he said that out loud.

"ehh- its fine, its nothing-"

blocky covered his mouth awkwardly.

woody smiled, and leaned on to blocky,

which made him blush a little more.

he held his hand.

"yknow blocky, i think its not too bad to be with you."

".. whats that supposed to mean?"

"youre really nice to be with."

woody showed a small tint of blush.

"i like you. i like being around you."


"it makes me feel safe."

woody moved in front of blocky,

and held both of his hands.

"if you didn't actually come to me in the first place, i dont think id feel safe, and happy."

blockys eyes widened.

after every word he said, he made him blush a little more.

woody smiled.

"blocky, i-"

then blocky,

quickly pulled them into a kiss.

woody was shocked, he didn't expect this!

yet.. it was nice.

then he kissed back.

blocky puts his hand on woody's cheek,

deepening the kiss.

then after a while, they separated.

gasping for air.

both of them smiled at each other, blushing.

blocky looked redder than usual.

then he realized,

"wait- FUCK- NO!!!"

blocky takes his hands off from woody and covered his face.

woody was a bit confused.

"it was supposed to be a prank- i mean it IS a prank!! i just accidentally got too into it. wait what-"

woody giggled.

prank or not, it felt nice.

he gave blocky a peck on the lips, and got off from him.

blocky felt like a heatwave.


woody layed on the bed, facing the ceiling.

he thought about what just happened between him and blocky.

everytime he thinks of it, he felt happy.

and excited.

he would show some tint of blush and giggled softly.

he knew he had a chance.

he knew.


(okay fine, theres the ACTUAL kiss scene, hope yall are happy 🥱 /lh)

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