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- Why do you float? - James asked, still not believing what he was seeing in front of him.

"I must have fallen asleep already, this is a dream," he convinced himself.

-Fairy dust, Tinkerbell does it!- answered Peter cheerfully and cheerfully, raising the window to finish entering the boy's room. - asked Peter when he saw the gigantic crocodile on the wall.

- My father, he is a taxidermist, he makes them," answered James looking at that being transformed into a mere object with disgust and melancholy.

- Taxidermist," asked Peter in wonderment, as he began to fly around the room contemplating other smaller works of the boy's father, a fox, a peacock, "Oh, I've seen these in Neverland," he exclaimed happily.

- Never.. Land? -

- Yes... that's where I come from, it's in that star over there!- Peter replied, pointing to the window.

James watched him from his bed, if seeing a boy floating around his room with a fairy accompanying him wasn't strange enough, this had just completely captured his curiosity.

- There are millions of them - "This dream did get creative..." he said to himself . " ... Let's see how long it takes to turn into a nightmare."

Peter walked up next to James and grabbed his shoulder with one hand and pointed to the star with the other. - That one-

-That one? The one next to Orion's belt? -

- Yes, that one!

The black-haired boy spotted it and his eyes sparkled.

Peter looked sideways at James, his intense blue-gray eyes gazing at the star, the warm glow of the little bell backlit with his dark hair. His smooth skin bathed in moonlight, the interest and excitement on his face that the blond hadn't seen him have in the last three days he'd been following him. Since their first meeting in the cemetery.

- What beasts are those?- Peter asked, pointing to the stuffed animals on the shelf next to James' stuffed teddybears.

- That one's a peacock, that one's a fox, that one's a raccoon! and that one's a cat. - replied the boy, looking with special affection at the latter.

- haha I know what a cat is-laughed Peter - Anyway, you're a smart boy James.

- Uh? - Peter's words threw him off and he blushed a little at the same time. James was not used to receiving compliments, at least not the sincere kind or made without hidden interests.

- How old are you? - Peter asked, grinning sweetly.

- I'm...- he looked at his hands counting, he didn't usually need his fingers for that, but something about Peter made him nervous - I'm nine years old.

- I'm seven! You're older than me! - Peter exclaimed excitedly. - I always wanted to have a big brother- he concluded, slumped on the boy's bed and staring at the ceiling.

- It's not as funny as it sounds- James replied, looking at the crocodile. Remembering his older brother Eric's latest pranks. He had taken to locking it inside the antique trunk that sat just below his new decor. For hours, which seemed like days.

- Why? - The question seemed to be genuine, James and Peter's eyes met .

- Because they are always stronger than you, and in a bad mood. - answered the older one.

- But if they are in a good mood they protect you or not?

James tried to remember some good deed of his brother. Only once when he saved him from drowning on a trip in the Baltic. But he also remembered that the next day he had mugged his favorite book on crypzoology. So even that was a bittersweet memory. - Yeah... sometimes they take care of you.

Hooked (english sub) - Peter x Garfio fanficWhere stories live. Discover now