Kissy Mice

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Brain ran over to the sponge bed bawling his eyes out. Those stupid scientists with their electric thongs at the end of every maze.  It was a miracle that they weren't killed, but Brain knew if he ever got out he would be. He could feel himself losing control, and it hurt more than any beating he had taken. He was crying in his pillow when his lanky mouse companion Pinky came up.

"Troz. What's the matter Brain?" he asked.
Brain lifted up his head.

"They maxed me again!" He sobbed, "When I take over the world, they're gonna get it!"

He continued sobbing into his pillow. Pinky looked confused as ever.

"But we have a plan to take over the world Brain, remember?" Pinky said.

Brain sat up and sniffled.

"Yeah but... But you never took over the world Pinky! They only let us take it out on each other." Brain cried.

Pinky sighed.

"I know that Brain, but this time we need to think of something else. There has to be an alternative strategy. We just need some time."

Brain wiped his tears and nodded. He felt so safe around Pinky. Sometimes, he just doesn't want to admit it. He can feel like a kid when Pinky is around.
"You okay now Brain?" Pinky asked.

Brain nodded.

"Yea thanks for trying buddy," he smiled back.
Pinky smiled back.

"No problem Brain, Zort," he replied. However, he still wanted Brain to be a little more happier. He knew exactly what to do. He hops on the bed and gives Brain a big kiss. This causes Brain's face to explode red.

"Umm... PINKY WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING!?!!" Brain shouted.

"Well you seemed to need cheering up Brain,  so I kissed you! And I hope that you find someone who cares about you!" Pinky exclaimed happily.

Brain looked like he had been punched by Pinky. His heart ached. Pinky's words cut deep into him. His face was bright red,  and his breathing was shaky.
'It wouldn't even be the first time Pinky said something like that.' Brain thought. 'How much longer until he does it again? How many more times will I be forced to go through this?'

"Buddy... I didn't mean anything by it. You know that right?" Pinky asked. Brain couldn't look him in the eye.

"Yeah of course I know. Just... please don't say things like that anymore Pinky. Please." Brain answered, his voice breaking at the last word.

Pinky nodded, before kissing him again. This only resulted into Brain blushing harder.  He hated being called cute, but for Pinky to call him 'buddy', made him feel fuzzy inside. He liked it.

"Aren't you such a cutie with that red face? Poit," Pinky teased before giving Brain another kiss. 'This is how it should be,' he thought, 'If it wasn't for them then I wouldn't have anyone here. Even when my parents are fighting, no one ever talks about it...'
When he stares deep in his eyes, Pinky gave a loud purr, adoring how flustered Brain is. Pinky always loved seeing Brain so worked up, especially when he was close enough to touch him.  He would hold his hand and rub his thumb over Brain's knuckles. The way Brain looked at him made his heart race and cheeks burn, but in a good way. Pinky had noticed Brain staring at him from afar, but whenever he tried saying something or doing something romantic he got nervous and ran away. He didn't like making Brain uncomfortable and that's why he didn't try to push. For someone who claimed to love nothing more than science and adventure, he sure knows a lot about romance.

After several minutes Pinky broke apart from the embrace and leaned over and whispered in Brain's ear. "Don't pretend you don't like it, baby... zoooort..." He smirked.

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