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Sorry for posting so late! Internet has been super weird!! 

Agatha prayed and prayed that the unforgiving diarrhea would hold itself off. That there wasn't anything left in its tank to possibly fill another toilet bowl. Her nerves were jumping around inside her wrists. She was sweating and hot, but at the same exact time frozen solid.

There was no way anyone could go with her. Even though she pleaded with Nibrai and her father had asked for special permission to at least accompany her to the house.




Agatha pressed a hand into her gurgling gut and prayed that she wasn't in the midst of walking when the urge to poop hit her again.

No matter what was said, she was going to have to go at it alone.

Nibrai was very apologetic. "Leader Satumi has made it extremely clear that he is making no exceptions for anyone. I am so, so sorry for your situation, but everyone will be divided." Nibrai held her gaze for as long as he could stand it before dropping his eyes to his tablet. "I can only get you off this ship. I'd go with you if I could, but we are leaving as soon as the last human item is offloaded."

"I don't know how to do this by myself," Agatha said flat out. She knew Matthew wouldn't have been too much help, judging based on the past, but at least he was another adult. Another warm body that could possibly, just possibly, do something useful. Her hands had been shaken as she reached out for the alien. "I really, really don't know."

With furrowed eyebrows, Nibrai tugged at his goatee. "I... Am so sorry. I had been told that Leader Kurtura is a fair and patient leader. I'm sure if you were to ask him for extra assistance, he would provide it. I have heard nothing but good things about that entire village. Leadership has a lot to do with it."

Agatha had no choice but to swallow the pill given to her. She knew she wouldn't ask for help. She knew without a doubt that she was going to avoid the Leader at all costs. The last thing she wanted was to cause a scene or make herself stand out in some sort of way.

"Singles to the right!" Nibrai's voice boomed.

"Elders to the left!"

"Families straight ahead!"

Agatha held onto Max's hand for dear life. He was worried about his things. Agatha tried to have patience, but how many more times did she need to reassure him that his toys and clothes would somehow make it to their new home? It seemed like he was saying her name every five seconds and couldn't pick up on her frustration.

He's a child.

He is scared.

He wants his daddy.

The past few nights had been restless. Emily didn't seem to be terribly aware of her missing father but was more upset by Max's upset. He would begin to sob and then she would start, the only thing that seemed to bring her any sort of comfort was breastfeeding. It was only done during the night now and Agatha wasn't even sure if she was getting too much milk anyway.

Surely these bad boys aren't producing as they did back in the day.

Cutting down to only pumping twice a day and feeding Emily for around twenty minutes at night, Agatha was hoping to dry up her supply within the year or so. She cringed at the thought of becoming engorged and worried if medication would be needed to help an infection if one arose.

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