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I want to thank everyone , again 😂 , for all of the sweet messages. I truly appreciate them and you guys are the reason I keep posting. You made me cry with all the kind words and appreciation for my work. I'd like to blame it on the hormones LOL, but reality is your words just mean so much to me!   ~Autumn ❤

Kurtura felt himself burning on the inside.

He was frustrated beyond belief.

Not only did Alcuin, of all people, think he could dictate what he should or should not do, he had the audacity to act as if Agatha was tainted in some manner.

"Why did her mate... They call them husbands, leave her?" Alcuin had asked him as soon as they rounded the corner with the cart, well out of earshot of anyone.

Kurtura shrugged. "Not my place to ask. He is none of my concern or worries at the moment."

Alcuin made a noise in his throat. "She gave him children and he left to go live with the singles, she must be horrible. You are so hard up on Livia, you are pursuing a broken female."

He grit his teeth. It was all he could do not to push the life-long friend out of his cart seat, not caring if Alcuin found himself injured.

"What deems her broken, Alcuin?" Kurtura looked at the red-headed male. "You met her for five seconds. Tell me what you saw."

"Kurtura!" He exclaimed as if his leader had absolutely no brain. He looked Kurtura over in disbelief. "No one leaves their mate behind. No one would leave their children unless there was something absolutely wrong. That... That female... You are asking..." He stuttered, his tongue fumbling for a moment. Alcuin stopped and took a deep breath. "Kurtura, you can not be serious."

Jerking hard on the reins, the horse let out a loud protest. Kurtura felt the need to apologize to the poor animal. He had no business taking his frustrations out on them. He knew his eyes held fire as he looked at Alcuin. He didn't bother to hide his distaste or disappointment. Alcuin, of all the people who knew him, knew better than to continue to question him about something that requires absolutely no questions.

"Kurtura, as a friend..." Alcuin paused, placing his palm over his own heart. He took in another deep breath. "The last thing I want is for you to be hurt, again. That female has been abandoned. A male would not just leave everything behind." He continued to shake his head.

Kurtura grit his teeth so hard, he heard popping and forced himself to stop. He stopped himself from bringing up all of the foolishness Alcuin had done over the years. He kept his teeth clamped over his tongue, trying his hardest not to lash out and remind him of everything. Remind him of things he was sure not even Alcuin's mate, Brightlyn knew. He didn't want to strike like a snake and jog Alcuin's memory of who he was talking to, friend, or not, he was still Leader and should be treated like one. He had made sacrifices. His body held the scars for proof. He wasn't young and dumb. He was not stupid.

"It would be unwise for you to pursue this female human. She is not even of our people. If you are determined to care for children, find a Trellox female who has been widowed."

Kurtura shook his head. "It is time to leave my cart." He said slowly through his teeth.


"Alcuin!" Kurtura barked and pointed to the open field. "There is work to do and not a whole lot of time to do it. Go!"


Kurtura looked up at the bright sun. It was nearing midday, yet the carts sent to bring the Earth people to learn their crops were late.

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