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Early Update!

"I'm nervous."

Kurtura took the young male into his arms. After tending to his chickens first thing in the morning, he then had to get ready for "school" as Agatha called it.

His poor female had been torn to bits this morning. Agatha could barely stay away from the bathroom and had begged him to stay away when she was shitting her brains out. "I'm bloated and I've got the runs." Agatha had said to him after she emerged. "I'm so worried about Max and how all the other kids are going to treat him and how the teachers will treat him." Agatha propped her elbow on the huge dresser and rested her head on her fist. Her hair was a mess all over. She bit her knuckle. "I don't think he should go."

"I will not force you to allow him to attend the schooling." Kurtura shrugged his shoulders and slipped on his pants. He tied them tight and walked over to his mate. He put a hand on her arm. "Are you ok?" He asked, concerned. She looked like she had been beaten and at night, she froze constantly. Just the night prior, she was basically on top of him in the bed, begging him to lay atop her to provide more heat. He was too worried to cover her completely but did his best.

It had been just three weeks since her parents had come and then his mother. The Earth people had passed the adjustment period. It was time to thrive or die.

Kurtura was loving every moment of it. He helped Max with his chickens and taught him how to use them as a means of trade. Agatha's lettuce beds were coming along nicely and he wouldn't be shocked if they ended up being long enough in the next few days for their first trimmings. He was willing to trade whatever for a sample of her fresh greens. Emily was piddling around and seemed to be growing bigger by the day.

His home was full.

His house was happy.

Life was complete.

"Your mother said she would have my dancing dress thing ready the day before the full moon." Agatha looked to Kurtura.

"Do not change the subject, my love."

Agatha huffed. "I'm just scared."

"Rightfully so." Kurtura couldn't help but smile at his female as she growled at him in frustration. "Agatha, he says he wants to go. I have had him fitted for clothing proper for a Leader's son. He will stick out for only a moment because he is human and will be wearing the symbol of my leadership, but he will adjust. Give it a chance and if he hates it, it is also not uncommon for children to do their learning at home."

Agatha let out a breath. "Why can't you get torn up like me every once in a while?" She chuckled as he pulled her close. She closed her eyes as he rubbed her bloated belly. The pressure he provided relieved her of the discomfort. "I just hate that I don't feel good." She sniffed back tears. "I haven't felt this bad in ages..."

"You were not allowed to have sickness then. We can take Max to the schooling and I'll bring you back home. Emily can come to the Village Center with me and run the business. We will pick Max up and come home. You rest, my love, you rest today, and tomorrow you will feel better." Kurtura kissed her lips and then searched her eyes. "You are worrying me to death." He was ready to call the doctor, but she wasn't having it.

Now, as Agatha kissed Max on the cheek and then the small male looked up to him, fear plain on his face, Kurtura felt a spell of the shits hitting him right in the middle of his stomach. "You wear my symbol." He poked the little amulet Max had around his neck. "They will know you are my son and will show you respect."

Max looked around at the Trellox kids running past them. They were huge. "What if no one wants to be my friend?"

Agatha ran a finger around his face. "They will, baby. You are one of the most awesome people I know. They would be plain silly to not be your friend."

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