Wowie zowie...

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TW:// slight blood & gore, disturbing imagery

This is basically a drawing of some lore regarding Cris

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This is basically a drawing of some lore regarding Cris

I wouldn't really say it's lore, but it does play a part of her past, so, a bit of a backstory, ig?

This is basically the story of how she got the stitches on her neck

Long story short, she ate a bit too much candy one night, and basically this causes her to go haywire and do stupid things

So she did something to herself, & her body started to melt, sorta

Then the police found her body slumped against the wall, & her eyes were completely blacked out and oozing ink, sorta

Her subconscious was then sent somewhere

It was a place for computer viruses that had died, and were able to heal themselves, & they were also given the choice to change their appearance for when they return to the virtual world (where Cris lives)

So she stitched her neck up & repaired their body, and met a few people there who were kind to her

She then returned to the virtual world to her body, which was good as new!

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