Welcome Marvelites

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  Hello everyone! Welcome to "The Golden Guardian! What I am 99.99...% sure is the first Sentry story on this website. 

  I want to address a few things before we dive into the meat and potatoes of this story because I plan on it being a long one. I will be changing things from the movies, and adding things from the comics, Sentry hasn't yet made an MCU appearance so I'll be pulling stories from the comics to make up for that. So keep an eye out for changes small and large throughout the book. Anything from character deaths to a change in team composition, I will be making this my own. 

  Secondly, I need to introduce people to my favorite comic character of all time, Robert Reynolds aka The Sentry. The Sentry is an amazing character, not to mention how insanely powerful he is. I see him in a way as a more realistic Superman (even though Sentry is not a Superman clone, a common misconception.) He can go from one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe to one of the weakest all depending on his mental state. 

  As such I will have to try and tone down his feats to make him fit into the setting of the MCU. Anyone who knows anything about him knows that I will have to throw some major nerfs on this, or maybe I won't. We'll have to see.

    Another important note is pairings for our MC, I won't be picking one gal and just sticking with her the entire time. I like to be more realistic (or cynical depending on who you ask) about my romance. Love at the first meeting is very rare, even then, the chances of it lasting are extremely slim. Hard times, infidelity, and sometimes you fall out of love, so expect some rocky roads ahead, my friends. Though the final girl is obvious to anyone who can read, it'll take a while for those feelings to come out.

  One more word of note, Sentry's power source had a pretty neat reveal in the comics, and I plan on a similar reveal later in the story when I do, I'll be posting a respect thread that I found (which is one of the best I have EVER seen) which will offer a deeper insight into the characters for anyone interested. 

I think that's all I need to get out of the way for now, as I finish this I'll be starting on the first chapter, which will hopefully be in the range of 5-10k words. Until then my fellow readers, Excelsior! 

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