SL - 3

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Cameron's Pov...

I called Ebony and she answered on the third ring.

'Hey' she said.

'You alright yeah? You ain't message me, having a nigga worrying and shit' I responded as I continued my work.

'Yeah sure' she said and I could hear the attitude in her voice.

'Nah I actually did' I said and she laughed before kissing her teeth. 'Why you so quiet at school? You're a calm person to be around'

'Ask your boys. All they do is talk about me and stare at me. You're included in that you know' she said and I chuckled.

'Nah not even, who do you think is the one putting them all in their place?' I said and she huffed.

'Yeah yeah yeah. You lie like you're getting paid' she said and I laughed.

'Calm don't believe me. But you'll see soon' I said and she yawned.

'Ugh I'm so tired. I'm glad mocks are over tomorrow' she said.

'Nah word, it's such a drag. How you finding them?' I asked her and I heard her rustling.

'They've been alright actually. This weekend I'm actually just gonna sleep' she said and yawned again. 'What about you? How'd you find them?'

'Same as you to be honest' I said and she agreed. 'What you revising?'

'Nothing, I'm in bed now. I'm honestly drained' she said yawning again and I laughed.

'You can go sleep and we can speak tomorrow' I said and I heard silence on her end, then light snores.

'Night Ebony' I said and didn't hear anything back, but just stayed on the phone with her.

Next day - common room 8:05am

I walked into the common room, not seeing Ebony in here usual placed, I screwed up my face then went to go sit with my friend.

'Yo' I said to them and we all spudded each other and I sat down.

We started talking about nothing, then I saw Ebony's friend walk in, but no Ebony so I messaged her.

'Yo where are you?' I messaged and it delivered.

'Im coming' I said to my friends and went over to Ebony's friend, who had her airpods in.

I waved at her and she took out one from her ear.

'Where's Ebony?' I asked her and she shrugged.

'She had to drop her little brother to school so she's gonna be late today. Why?' She asked and I shook my head.

'Nah it's calm, I'll see her later anyway cause we got a class together period 1 and 2' I said and Kayla nodded putting her AirPod back in.

I walked back to my friends and they were all staring at me blankly.

'What was that?' Tamal asked me and I shrugged.

I put my AirPods in and walked out of the common room, bored of the conversation.

I bumped into Ebony who had just gotten into school.

'Hey, I just saw your message. You were looking for me?' She said as we stood outside the common room.

'Yeah, I didn't see you in your usual spot this morning' I said and she smiled.

'Aw you came in early for me? Cause I've never seen you in the common room so early' she said and we laughed together.

'Yeah yeah' I said and she smiled again.

'Im gonna go to form before we're both late, but see you in English' she said and she walked off.

Ain't even give man a hug.

In English...

Ebony and I laughed the whole time, cause we already finished the work. I was actually enjoying getting to know her and being her friend. She was actually a cool person, and I hated that I judged her before. My bad.

'Can you two quiet down please?' Our teacher shouted and we nodded before quietly laughing with each other.

'Ugh thank God it's Friday' she said, moving a piece of hair out of her face to behind her ear.

'You got any weekend plans?' I asked her and she shook her head no.

'Nah I'm just gonna chill alone in my room' she said and I could tell she was excited for it.

'You wanna come chill at mine?' I asked her and it looked like she was caught off guard.

'How are You friends gonna feel about that?' She asked me and I screwed her.

'Im not living for them am I? I just wanted to spend time with you out of school' I explained to her and she squinted her eyes before nodding.

'Alright then. Remember you asked for this, so when people find out, I'm not looking like a beg' she said and I sucked my teeth as we started packing up our books. 'Text me your address anyways' she said and left out of the classroom with her friend.

Ebony's POV - at home 1:00pm

'Ebbie where are you going?' My little brother Bryan asked me, coming into my room and sitting at my desk.

'To a friends house Bryan, I'll be back later, okay?' I said to him and he nodded, but he looked like he was going to cry.

'Can you bring me back sweets?' He asked me smiling and I nodded laughing, and he left my room.

'Alright, let's do this' I said, taking a deep breath and leaving my room. I walked downstairs and waved my mum goodbye before leaving completely.

I got into my Uber and plugged my AirPods into my ears.

40 minutes later...

I got to Cameron's road and messaged him saying I was outside.

'Ight I'm coming rn' he said, and I got out of the Uber and thanked my Uber driver.

I walked up to his front door and knocked.

He opened it and he was wearing grey tracksuit bottoms, and was shirtless, and I almost choked on my own breath.


He pulled me into a hug, and wrapped his arms round my waist. 'You good yeah?' He asked, as we pulled away from each other, and he let me into his house.

'Yeah, I'm good thanks. Why are you shirtless? It's the peak of winter' I joked and he laughed.

'Don't act like you ain't enjoying the view' he said and I rolled my eyes up. 'Do you wanna drink something?'

'Nah I'm good thanks' I said, sat in the same position, like that meme of the girl on the bed.


To be continued...

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