SL - 12

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(A LEVEL EXAMS ARE VERY IMPORTANT EXAMS THAT  ARE NEEDED TO GO TO UNIVERSITY ETC, just so this clears up any confusion! x) - Now let's get on with the chapter....

3 weeks later - A Level Exams begin 5:34am - Ebony's POV...

I woke up early today, prayed and got showered and dressed. I couldn't believe that the biggest exams of my life actually started today. Crazy times.

My first and only exam today started at 11:00am, so I wasn't coming into school until around 9:30, so I had some time to revise and look over notes. My first exam was English, and the paper was 3 hours long. I knew I was gonna see Cam in there, and I hadn't really seen much of him in the last 3 weeks, since I've barely been at school since we had study leave. (Study Leave is when UK schools give you time off school to revise for your exams. When you don't have an exam, you don't need to be in school).

When we were in school together, I tried my best to keep my distance, cause that's what I wanted anyway. I was kinda looking forward to seeing him though, but I don't need the stress right now.

'Ugh, my stomach is turning' I said to myself. 'Ohh, I haven't taken my vitamins or had any water' I said, and walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

I got a bottle of water out of the fridge and a glass, and poured it in. I went into the medicine cupboard and got out my Fenugreek tablets, and my other supplements and vitamins that I took everyday, and took them one after the other.

The girls that know about Fenugreek know. 😏

I went back upstairs to my room, sat at my desk, put my airpods and got back to my revision.

15 minutes later...

My stomach was still turning, and it was distracting me from my revision. Maybe it was all the stress from thinking of all my exams, so I brushed it off. 'This is ridiculous, what is going on? I do not need this today' I rolled my eyes, continuing to type up my notes on my MacBook.

Maybe I'll just go wash my face. I thought to myself, so I took out my airpods and walked into the bathroom. I could feel my stomach growling, and I squinted my eyes. I felt everything coming up slower and slower, and so I quickly leaned over into the toilet, and threw up.

I knew I didn't do well in stressful situations, but this is so out of the ordinary. I got up from the floor, wiping off my mouth thinking I was done, and then leaned over the toilet and threw up again.


It can't way. I thought to myself.

FLASHBACK - from 3 weeks ago at Cam's house...

'Nahh Cam' I cried out, as he slammed into me, massaging my boobs in the process. 'Hmm yess' I bit my lip, and he leaned down and kissed me tongue first, and started to love on my nipples. I rubbed on his hair, and bit on his earlobe.

He looked up at me, his eyes full of lust, before going back in, kissing me tongue first and I matched his energy. His strokes got faster, and I could not control my breathing at this moment. 'I'm close Cam' i breathed and he grunted.

'Yeah same' he grunted, as his breathing stayed at a rhythmic pace. 'Cum with me beautiful' he said and I nodded. 'You on the pill yeah?' He asked and I nodded, and we both came together.


See. I'm on the pill, plus we were being 100% safe. But I couldn't get the thought out of my mind, and I suddenly had a weird feeling in my gut.

Hmm. Lemme Google search. I started to type in 'Ways to accidentally get pregnant' on a private browser, just incase. I clicked on the first article, which was titled '16 Surprising Ways you Didn't know you could get pregnant' and started to scroll down the article, shaking my head.

'See, I knew I'm not' I said, overly confident, until I got to number 14 and saw 'If you're on the pill' and I felt my heart drop into my stomach.

Nah, I'm not. No way. That's not gonna be me. No way. Maybe I was in denial, I even doubt that. I'm not pregnant during my A Level exams, there's honestly know way. I started taking the pill when me and Cam started having sex, and I know I took it before and after we had sex the last time, so this isn't making any type of sense.

I heard my phone vibrate on the table and I flipped it over, to see who it was. It was Cam obviously. I could see the message with opening it yet, and it read 'You got this mami, I believe in you. I know you're probably up right now stressing about it, but you've put in the work. Be confident in that, and I'll see you later. 💚' I rolled my eyes at the message, before flipping my phone back over.

Whatever this 'problem' is, I'll deal with it after these exams. I got back to typing, trying to put that at the back of my mind, and tried to concentrate on my work, which I knew was gonna be hard.

You know what? Lemme just go to school. I thought to myself. I needed the distraction, and to not be alone with my own thoughts.

Cameron's POV - 3 hours later - 10am...

'What you saying?' I spudded all my mandem, as I just got into school, and got into the common room. I noticed Liah was sitting at the table, so I pulled at confused look to my guys, and they all laughed knowing what I meant. 'What's she doing there?' I mouthed and they shrugged.

'We don't know fam, she just got here when we got here' Toby mouthed and they all nodded. Liah took out her AirPod, and her eyes lit up as soon as she seen me.

'Cammie, I missed you' she smiled and I side eyed her, ignoring her.

'Have you lot seen Ebony?' I asked them, and they all shrugged.

'I think I saw her going into the library like 2 hours ago' and I nodded.

'Aight see you lot in a bit' I said, leaving out of the common room. I walked up the library and saw Ebony sitting at one of the tables by herself, looking stressed but more stressed out than usual.

I sat infront of her, and tapped on the back of her laptop, causing her to look up at me. 'Yes Cameron?' She asked, continuing typing, and I could see tears in her eyes.

'What's wrong?' And why you looking like you've been crying?' I asked her and she shrugged. 'And don't lie to me either' she rolled her eyes up, and I already knew what was coming. I walked over to her side and sat beside her. 'Talk to me' I said to her, and shut her laptop.

'I'm scared' she started, and she wiped her face. 'No I'm terrified' she said quietly.

'What's going on?' I asked her and she sighed.

'I think I'm pregnant' she whispered, her eyes filled with tears and my jaw dropped.

Writers Comment :

Oop??? Do we think Ebony is pregnant?

What do we think Cameron's reaction will be?

Thoughts and concerns :

Until next time...🥰

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