The truth is in your face

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Kokichi watched as everybody celebrated escaping the killing game and how everything was nothing but a short lie and that everyone needed to open their eyes to realize that hope and despair weren't the only things black and white in the universe. It annoyed Kokichi that everyone hadn't moved on from his misdeeds in the killing game and he was labeled as nothing more than a rock that tripped everyone up, getting up from his desk he left the classroom ignoring how everyone told him to come back. He roamed the hallways watching different characters from other killings game interact with one another It made oma feel like he had no place in the academy, he brushed past a girl wearing a bright orange kimono and a girl with red hair and freckles on her face.

he felt lonely...but he only had himself to blame because he was the villain he wasn't supposed to enjoy freedom, heck Gonta tried to reason with him about his guilt but he pushed him away and shouted in his face that they were never friends and he was using him so that he wouldn't die, It broke his heart to see everyone glare at him with hate and go to comfort the dear sweet gentleman. Getting the dark thoughts off his mind he sat under a tree and just looked up at the sky as he heard distant cheers in a classroom, he went to stand but was knocked over as another student bumped into him.

"Ah, Sorry about that! I was trying to run from Hajime, are you alright?" Looking up Kokichi saw a white-haired student standing brushing off his jacket and holding out a hand towards him, taking it he stood and watched as he continued to apologize for his trash-like talent. 

"It's fine I was just going to roam the halls of the school and cause massive chaos but I would probably be punished than rewarded for trying to make others laugh." chuckling sadly he tried to put on his fake smile but it wasn't working as the white-haired student gave him a stern stare

"Lying about your feelings is just filled with despair, I can feel it radiating off of you, come with me! since you're skipping class anyway!" He goes to pull Kokichi but he pulls away and asks in a fake happy tone

"Don't tell me you're interested in little boys Mr. stranger~ I don't even know you so why would I go willing with you, are you perhaps gonna take me to the principal and tell on me?" The boy sighed before looking into the purple eyes that were staring at him in mocked curiousness,  putting on a nervous smile he introduced himself

"I'm Nagito Komaeda, The Ultimate Lucky Student and you are?"

"I'm Kokichi Oma, The Ultimate Supreme Leader and...I don't know what else to say about who I am."

Nagito smiled and pulled Kokichi away from the tree and dragged him into an empty classroom before sitting and looking at him "Tell me what's got you into despair, gosh the word makes me want to vomit!" he shouted standing and kicking  a desk over causing a loud noise, Kokichi could only stare at him in confusion, "What's wrong with the word Despair?" Looking up Naito brushed his hair out of his face before beckoning Kokichi over to the window.

Once near the Window, Nagito pointed to a group of students who were sitting and laughing, "That is despair right there, people pretending that they're all friends and the killing game was nothing but a nightmare but the fact is nobody wants to accept that their personality was the truth. Tell me Kokichi are you happy with how that game has messed with your mind and personality, Under all those fake smiles you send everyone's way only a few people can see your scars and how much you want to cry." turning to face Kokichi he put his hand on top of the little boy head

"Cry if you want and don't worry about being seen by anyone, as long as you come to this classroom You're free to be who you want to be." walking past him Nagito goes to leave the classroom but the sound of a question breaks his monument of walking

"The killing game...How did it affect you Nagito? Did you have anyone to cry to all because you were scared or have someone by your side if you were punched?... Did you have anyone to share that happiness with?" Nagito spared Kokichi a glance and said in a broken tone "Hope was the only thing keeping me alive, That's all." with that he left and Kokichi stood in the empty classroom before falling onto his knees and looking at his hands trembling with acceptance

Nagito was right, his mask had fallen apart not because he wasn't willing to accept that the killing game changed him but because he was afraid to be a stepping stool for other people and the way he was a target to the mastermind confirmed his suspicion...Nobody cared about him except Gonta and that's what truly made him feel worthless. Tomorrow He'll find Nagito and ask him more questions but right now he wanted to stay here and close his eyes in the peaceful classroom, he felt safe, no Maki wanting to snap his neck, No Miu or Angie's loud voices, No Kaede or Shuichi flirting with each, No Kaito trying to teach him about the beauty of space, no Ryoma and Kirumi talking about Politics, No Korekiyo talking with Rantaro about Cults, No Tenko babying Himiko....No Tsumugi talking about how fiction changed everyone's way of life. 

Kokichi felt his eyes start to water, No Kiibo talking about how Robots are allowed to go to school, and No Gonta talking about insects. Kokichi closed his eyes and fell asleep on the classroom's cold floor feeling more lonely than ever, he hoped everything would change and that Nagito might help him come to terms with his guilt of madness.

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