Kokichi Despair Part 1

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Makoto stared at the huge mansion that stood in silence, the brick walls seeping with despair but also hope, taking a deep breath he started walking to the front door. his nerves on edge as he pressed the doorbell hearing a jingle from the killing game, it scared him, but he kept his foot down and watched as the door opened revealing Hajime Hinata who looked tired.

"Makoto, what brings you here? Did something happen at headquarters?"

Makoto stepped into the house seeing the remnants of repair in the backyard playing in the pool and he couldn't help but smile at their laughter

"Hajime, is Nagito here? I wanted to have a word with him about something important."

Hajime looked at Makoto with worry in his eyes but called for Nagito anyways, Nagito came running downstairs wearing swimming trunks and looking happy but that happiness quickly drained as he locked eyes with Makoto, he was in trouble.

"Hajime can you please leave me and Nagito to talk for a while, It won't take long"

Hajime quickly left leaving Nagito and Makoto alone, the two ultimate lucky students clashing with their eyes, Nagito looked down first and waited for Makoto to start speaking, "Nagito...Do you know Kokichi Oma? The Ultimate Supreme Leader?" Nagito looked up at Makoto and started to stand tall in defiance, "Why do you ask Makoto? Last time I checked you didn't want us Remnants of Despair to interact with other students from Hope's Peak." Makoto slammed his hand against the wall, "YOU BROKE THAT RULE NAGITO! I'M NO FOOL, WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM KOKICHI?"

Nagito flinched but hardened his gaze and spat, "I won't tell you. It's none of your concern." Makoto glared at Nagito and sighed before calming down, "Nagito...Kokichi spoke of you highly and I just wanted to see what you gain from being near him....are you doing this for your beloved Junko?" Nagito shoved Makoto into the nearest wall and stared down at him, his voice holding venom. "Junko is dead, There are clones of her everywhere and I swore to kill them all, for Nanami. Kokichi is a person I can relate to because of our roles in the killing game. Don't ever forget your own killing game Makoto Naegi, tell me...How is Togami?"

Makoto gritted his teeth but kept silent, Nagito Continued, "We villains of the Killing games were always treated like garbage by our own peers and we took it in stride but slowly it made us realize that we didn't need them. they needed us, without our help they would've died much sooner...Monokuma nearly succeeded, It's a good thing we villains died in our own ways, Sacrificing our lives to see the end of the despair.....Kokichi died thinking he was alone and I saw how his classmates treated him like he was nothing but a thorn in their side. Makoto if you don't want Kokichi to go back to lying every time he speaks, you must start putting some trust in him because you hide the truth from him, the same way he's been hiding it from you! Don't betray his trust now."

Nagito let Makoto go and watched as he pulled out his wallet and stared at a photo of Kokichi smiling and holding adoption papers, his smile genuine and never faltering and Makoto was behind him holding his shoulders, a proud grin on his face.

"Nagito, I love my Son and I don't want him to get hurt the way I did. Junko Isn't dead and she never will be, her words, the deaths, Monokuma, the tears...The loneliness will never fade and I felt it all but kept that hope going because I had people believe in me. I know what it felt to be near death, scared as your friends watched behind a gate, Betrayal, as they thought you were nothing more but a murderer, Reflief as the pain, stopped all of your emotions and you thought you were finally free, Nagito you are braver than me and my respect for you and the remnants of repair never faltered. I just didn't want despair to start again...That Tragedy affected us all except the 53rd Season class, they don't know and it's best that they don't."

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