Kokichi Despair Final part

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Kokichi couldn't hold back his screams of anger, "TEAM DANGANRONPA IS COLLECTING PAST VICTIMS OF THE KILLING GAMES AND THEY MENTIONED YOU AND I DIDN'T WANT TO TELL YOU. THEY HAVE TAKEN EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME AND I-" Makoto didn't let him finish as he hugged him tightly

"Future Foundation is doing its best to not let Team Danganronpa get away with this, I am safe, You are safe, and they can't harm any of us, I'll call the school and tell them you will not be attending school for a while because there is someplace I wanna bring you...hopefully that will make you see that the world isn't just about death and ignorance."

Kokichi sniffled and kept silent as his father continued to rub his back, "A family vacation for the two of us, doesn't that sound nice? I know a great beach we can go to or how about we go to an amusement park?"

Kokichi chuckled, "Can we go to a zoo? I really want to see a tiger." Makoto smiled, "I will do you one better....How about we go to the circus? we can see the animals up close and personal, watch them perform along with clowns juggling, the laughter..." he trailed off seeing Kokichi asleep on his chest, breathing steady and calm. bringing Kokichi's head under his chin he closed his eyes, "I'll make you smile, so please stop worrying about me." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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