Kokichi Despair Part 2

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Nagito closed his eyes before opening them and placed a hand on Makoto's shoulder, "Kokichi is a friend of mine and I hope what happened at school Today doesn't affect his thoughts about me, I see him as an ally, I'll help him and teach him that we are all the same in our own way. Have you talked with Shuichi Saihara yet?"

 Makoto shook his head, "Hajime and I tried to get in contact with him regarding his killing game season but he has been avoiding us ever since he woke up, I think he feels like he can't trust us and that's understandable. Kaede talked with us about her time in the killing game and my suspicion was correct, there are more masterminds implanted with Junko's memories and the killing game starts again."

Nagito looked at the clock as it ticked down, "No matter how many Killing games there are, the end results are the same but the number of survivors decreases every day, Makoto goes home and I shall bring this information to Hajime's Attention tonight as we continue to try and find Team Danganronpa." Makoto shook Nagito's hand and left the Mansion shutting the door behind him.

Makoto got back in his car and drove home...With his heart bared to the world around him.

Kokichi hummed cleaning the house and waiting for his dad to come back from somewhere, sighing he plopped down on the sofa and turned on the tv bored.

"It is great to announce that Team Danganronpa has decided to start another Game and they have decided to gather past candidates, I can't wait! I hope Makoto Naegi will be one of the people that get to come back for another season!."

Kokichi quickly shut the tv off and he heard his Dad's car outside, he tried to play it cool but his heart was beating wildly over what the reporter said, Team Danganronpa was seeking out the victims of past killing games and forcing them back into their traumas....Atua better pray isn't his father or else. Makoto walked into the house looking tired but brightened up once he laid his eyes on his son

"Kokichi, why are you still awake? It's past your bedtime." Kokichi bit his lip and stood bringing his dad into a hug, "I didn't want to sleep not knowing if you'll ever come back." Makoto embraced his son back, "I'll always come back, I promise you nothing is ever gonna tear us apart."

Kokichi couldn't bring himself to tell his father about what he heard so instead he stayed in his father's arms feeling safe and complete. "Dad, what would you do If I were to ever be taken away?" Makoto's grip tighten on his son "I would fight for you. They can't ever take you away. Kokichi, why are you bringing this up?" Kokichi looked his dad in the eyes, "I don't want to lose you." Sighing Makoto sat down on the couch with Kokichi petting his head, "Kokichi did someone say something to you?"

Kokichi shook his head...Makoto didn't stop his questions

"Are you being bullied?" another no

"Kokichi...Please." Kokichi started to cry

"Dad the news....I, I can't please don't make me say anything." Makoto picked up the tv remote and turned on the tv but there was a commercial for puppies, chuckling he turned off the tv, "Kokichi I don't mind getting a pet if that's what you want, I won't be angry at you." 

Kokichi sniffled, "Dad...that's not it."

"Then what's wrong?" Makoto asked

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