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March 16, 2023. It was on this day everything fell into ruins. Thousands of volcanoes erupted throughout the globe simultaneously triggering tsunamis- the sound they all made echoed among all mankind as it resembled that of a trumpet. Tectonic plates moved as if monsters from beneath the horrid seas played toss with each other, and with it- the moon crossed with the sun, aligning with it for all eternity, leaving the skies with an eclipse that will haunt humanity for quite some time. Scientists from all over the globe lost their minds as every single event that came after this day did not anymore blend well with logic. From craters that formed in the crust and from trenches that bloomed in the vast ocean, rose monsters far beyond the wildest imagination. Both western and eastern military forces combined cannot contain these beasts that massacred the world into pieces, they can only rely on the drops of these beasts- their nails, their teeth, and plainly internalized "fight fire with fire".

For three months, three weeks, and three days, all of mankind fell into deep despair. However, in the third hour, a bright light shone upon the eclipsed sky- rather, it was the moon taking its leave. The mark of the eclipse culminated, and so did a new hope of humanity fell from every bit of sunshine that fell unto their skin. 

Some of humanity acquired superhuman feats- which they call "favors" and were used to combat the brute that lies upon the surface of the earth- those who earn these favors and are strong enough to combat are called "hunters". Soon, humanity gained the upper hand- developing their skills and favors to combat the creatures that lie within every crack and trench, these were called anomalies.

October 8, 2030. When the monsters that haunted the surface diminished in numbers, hunter associations decided to explore what was below the crack of the earth only to find that it was some sort of a labyrinth upon a labyrinth. It was then revealed that there are still floors below the current level humanity has stood on- each floor revealing new secrets upon another that varies on which continent you live in. Though all of humanity focus on one goal- to find the cause of this strange phenomenon. Also because the underworld contained resources new to mankind, introducing new methods of understanding science- and eventually reviving alchemy.

And on June 6, 2038- my dreams were shattered,

"I'm sorry, dear. You are not qualified to become a hunter as your favor is F-rank." 

I guess all of hoping and dreaming culminates too, huh? "Thank you, ma'am."

"Though I must recommend to you that the government has introduced a new job on the market." said the lady who assisted me in identifying my favor. 

My father passed trying to provide for my family as an E-class hunter- he decided he could not handle the pressure and decided to take his own life. My mother, however, works most of her time in our old retail and surplus store that nobody even bothers to enter. With new stocks pouring into the market from the underworld, old items are simply not a hit anymore. My sister, in her childhood, was sent abroad, off to a better life, and we have not heard from her since. The best I could do is accept labor given that I got my father's shitty shot at having a favor. "Can I hear you out about the new job?"

"As you may have heard, Yuan Melon, right?" the lady searched for a document from a huge array of paper piled upon another on her table. "Just last month, the South East Asian government decided to catch up with other anomaly-owning nations such as USA and Korea to build a city within the first floor of our anomaly.", she sighed as she handed me an application form, "If you want to consider to be a laborer, you can always submit this to the association and we'll ready your papers."

I took the paper she handed to me with a smile and bowed. "Thank you. I'll think about it" I said. I took a step back, looking at the application form as I left the building. Damn it! Why do I have to live through a worse favor than my father?! Now, I don't know anymore where to source our daily needs. Any time soon, we have to sell our retail shop. That's something my mother would pass out knowing! The best I could do with my F-rank skill is to buff up a tiny paper with luck. What am I? An entertainment shaman?

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