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「 Wind-blessed Hand (Right) - A right hand capable of giving wind-attribute abilities to the user. Only applicable to right-hand amputees. [100 RP]」

Ever since that incident, my appraisal skill had shown the Reputation Price value of all the products in this store. Where was this when Gwendoline Marmite was just here? Was still the Revenue OS just updating? Or does this have any relation to when the system had corrupted files?

If I can compare this to a computer, it would be one with a low processing speed. Though background applications can run such as the [appraisal] skill and [magic store], they cannot fully run at 100%. I wonder if constant use and mastery could invoke its prime... probably what Mom used.

「 Wind-blessed Hand has been converted to RP」

Huh? Did the system do that automatically? Wait- how? Ughhhh!

This is not something a just-woke-up person should problem with. In my groggy state, my gaze fell upon a nearby table, adorned with an assortment of trinkets and mementos. Among them, the small, weathered pocket radio caught my attention. It had become a faithful companion, a source of music, news, and connection to the wider world beyond the confines of my tranquil abode. 

"Let's see here.", I mumbled to myself.

With curious anticipation, I reached out and grasped the familiar device, feeling its cool surface against my palm. As I turned the dial, a crackling static filled the air, followed by faint melodies and snippets of voices, like whispers carried on a distant wind. And why is this old junk not legendary?


「 An old portable radio.」

Let me make that something much fancier. As I sat there, my fingers lightly tracing the surface of the pocket radio, a surge of energy coursed through my veins. I focused my mana on my fingers, a wellspring of mystical power, that seemed to respond to my focused intent. With unwavering determination, I directed my energy toward the radio, infusing it with a potent enchantment.

As the currents of mana flowed from my fingertips, they took on a vibrant, ethereal glow, weaving intricate patterns in the air. With each precise movement, I etched a mystical pentagram onto the surface of the radio, the lines shimmering with an otherworldly luminescence.

「 A lucky portable radio.」

That will do. I smiled. Let me listen to the local news first...

With a focused intent, I began to turn the dial, feeling the smooth resistance under my touch. As I made subtle adjustments, the radio responded, tuning into different stations and frequencies.  Gradually, the static subsided, and the radio came to life. A melodic tune of news softly emanated from the tiny speaker, caressing my ears and easing me into wakefulness.

"For the morning news, a new A-rank hunter has been announced in the South East Asian Region..."

Morning news? How long was I asleep? If I could remember it was only early morning when a man with ripped clothes and bloodied body approached me for something in exchange for... I looked at the severed hand from afar... his hand...

"A veiled hunter has been revealed to easily defeat many bosses of the 10th floor of the SEA  anomaly and it is said that the South East Asia shall progress to the 11th floor by the end of this week. The veiled hunter remained to become anonymous. It took SEA two years to complete the 9th floor, but a week for this floor? Is this the rise of the first S-rank hunter of our motherland?"

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