First Successful Trade

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"S-Rank hunter Gwendoline Marmite found dead in Mexico City, Mexico. Trigger warning for our loyal listeners, only her severed head was found near what seems to be a Mythic-class artifact. International Hunters Association or IHA and South American Anomaly Organizations are looking into the matter. Will this spark a conflict in European and South American ties?-"

I turned off the radio I was listening to. I knew it was my fault for not abiding by the rules of the newly-acquired skill [Magic shop]. But, deep inside I wanted to know what was the reason why I have entrusted this ability in the first place. The more I look into it, the more it felt like a responsibility than a blessing in disguise. I have to be more careful. The weight of Gwendoline's death was in my hands. I was the cause of her death. It was my incompetency. It's my fault...

Ma, if you're out there, what shit have you gotten me into. A responsibility that the fate of mankind relies on? There's a worse question. Who got you into this mess, Ma?

I left the cafe where I was drinking tea, ate a meal- paid the bill in cash. I kept the portable radio I was holding in my black drawstring bag and left with a full stomach. It has been a while since I had a tasty meal. I used the cash from the strange figure to buy an awesome meal. At least the food relieved a portion of that remorse.

Come to think of it, what did he buy that he called "cheap"? If all the things inside the store were magic items, even reaching mythic, what did he grab that he paid me with a whole skill system- did the one he got weigh as much as how this system is valued? How much did it value that he gave me the old system my mother once owned? What did he give me really? The real ownership of the store?

Genuinely thinking about the nature of the unique system, I thought about tampering with the settings to identify the truth within. As I was tinkering with my abilities while walking through the alley, I noticed certain features of the RFS. I picked up some of them as I walked through the scorching-hot sun. I never thought the system would be this detailed... Who created this? I picked a wooden spoon.


「A wooden spoon.」

But when I use the skill [Luck Alchemist] on it, the description becomes different all so suddenly. I poured some mana on the wooden spoon, and my hands just automatically formed a pentagram.


「A lucky wooden spoon.」

I stood amidst the mystical ambiance of the magic shop, my mind filled with uncertainty and the weight of this newfound concept that seemed so alien to me. The enormity of the responsibilities and expectations placed upon me seemed insurmountable.

With my feelings overwhelmed, I knew I needed a moment of solace and a chance to collect my thoughts. So, I made my way back to the comforting familiarity of my humble abode. 

The streets stretched out before me, bustling with activity and vibrant energy. The sun cast its warm rays, creating a gentle interplay of light and shadow on the cobblestone pathways. As I walked towards my mother's shop, I passed by numerous hunters who carried themselves with an air of confidence, their weapons strapped to their backs. Their eyes held a mix of determination and weariness. The glint of steel and the distinctive scent of leather armor filled the air as they exchanged stories and whispered rumors. 

The streets themselves seemed to breathe with history and character. Buildings lined the sidewalks, their architecture ranging from quaint and traditional to grand and imposing. Shop signs swung gently in the breeze, announcing the wares and services within. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted from the nearby bakery, mingling with the fragrant blooms of the flower carts that dotted the corners.

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