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The most certain of all this is that you cannot do away with experience. You cannot limit their quantity from your life or anyone else's for that fact because of your little unsettled insecurities masquerading as fears. You cannot determine the experience you or anyone else will have, you're not God. You're not the universe. Let yourself be. Let people be. Let them experience their lives from the lenses of their paths and destinies. Dreams have been born out of curious minds; medical solutions have been discovered through curiosity, companies, books, movies and various designs are often the product of a number of tries here and there, save for the limitation.

You cannot run away from experience. You can never know what it's all about if you don't try it out. And you cannot do all this if your freedom is limited. Curiosity can only be cured through liberty.

Curiosity can only be cured through libertyWhere stories live. Discover now