Chapter Six

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Emily arrived at the Garrison just shortly after 6pm. The evening was brisk; she could see her cold breath emerge from her lips as she gracefully rubbed her hands together for warmth. Realising they weren't warming, Emily placed her hand in her pockets. She rummaged around, feeling the silky threads of red ribbon which sat in her pocket; she had been wearing that same red ribbon earlier when she had seen Tommy earlier in the day.

There were a few people out on the streets, but none that recognised her as she stood waiting for the car to arrive.
It would be wrong to argue that Emily wasn't nervous about her awaited meeting; however, Emily had a plan. She trusted on Tommy's instinct to find where these men were taking her...

"Miss Roberts?" A voice whispered from behind.
Emily turned in the voices direction. A man stood now abruptly in front of her. He held a gun up at her direction whilst perfectly hiding the weapon behind his clothes. Noticing the threatening stance, Emily responded much calmer than expected.
"Who's asking?"
"I'm here on behalf of Sabini. Follow me" the man spoke softly as he began to walk away. A small drop of rain fell briskly down Emily's cheek.
"I thought a car was supposed to drive round?" She questioned as she reluctantly followed, placing her hand in and out of her pocket, dropping the ribbon on the ground not far from the Garrison.
"There is no time. Ask any more questions and I will shoot you dead in this street".
The rain fell harder as Emily hastily trailed behind the man.

The two approached a car, parked conspicuously round the corner and down the alley from the Garrison so that no one could suspect anything was wrong with it.
"Get in" the man pushed.
Emily paused and stood her ground. "I was told the car would pull round to the Garrison. Why are we down an alley?"
The man cocked his head and pointed the gun at her again. This time a group of men had snuck behind the girl and placed a bag over her head. The men pulled and pushed as Emily struggled and screamed, alerting all the houses that surrounded.

Tommy drove dangerously round the bend and towards the Garrison. He was driving so fast that even John felt slightly on edge, fearing the car may topple and kill the two brothers. The car skidded in front of the door as Tommy jumped out and stormed into the pub, bashing the doors open in his stride.

Arthur was sat on a small round table with the other Peaky boys drinking large glasses of whiskey. Tommy made no conversation and quickly searched behind the bar, John trailing behind him.
"What's wrong brother?" Arthur questioned.
"Get your guns ready and follow my orders" Tommy panted in a panic. Arthur hadn't seen his brother behave this way since before the war had ended.
Once Tommy had found the hidden gun, he began loading it, hands shaking at the urgency of his actions.
"What the bloody hell is going on?" Arthur groaned in confusion.
"Have any of you seen Emily this evening?" John cracked.
The Peaky lads shook their head.
Tommy stormed back round into the bar area and towards the door. Without any instruction the rest of the men followed, guns loaded and ready for whatever violence was to occur.

Emily kicked and screamed as she was dragged towards the back of the car. What was she expecting? Sabini's men to be polite and gentle with the enemy's most prized companion? She was foolish to assume anything less. She realised quickly that men were cared little for the condition she was brought to Sabini in. As long as she was in his reach, that's all that mattered.

Tommy paced around outside the Garrison hoping he would spot Emily. Rain poured viscously onto the street, covering the dirty cobbles with a pool of grey murk which lingered aimlessly, waiting for something to soak it up.
Tommy's ear pricked at an ear piercing set of screams heard amongst the bustle of rain that loudly fell. He knew immediately it was Emily and began to run in the direction it came from.

Emily's captors launched her into the car and drove swiftly away, passing Tommy and the rest of the Peaky boys running up the street. On of the Peaky Boys picked up the piece of ribbon that laid untouched on the ground. He assessed the silk, noticing small indications of a handwritten note on the back. He handed it to Tommy who took a deep sigh and shook his head in relief.

Emily woke up a few hours later, finding herself lying comfortably on a large sofa which was placed carefully in front of a blazing fire. The room was plush and furnished as though it was modelled on paintings created in the peak of the Italian Renaissance.
Emily rubbed her face as she sat up, picking dry patches of blood off her cheek. She checked her pockets looking for the gun she had borrowed from Tommy, only to find it was missing for her belongings.

The door set beside the side wall swung open and revealed a small statured man who walked curiously into the room followed by a few others. He sat himself in the chair opposite and waited for a cup of tea to be placed into his possession.
Emily stared angrily at him.
"So, you're the infamous Emily Roberts. I have heard much about you" Sabini hissed as the tea he was expecting was handed over by another man who had just entered the room.
"What do you want from me?" Emily retorted.
Sabini sipped the tea and smirked. "You my dear have brought Thomas Shelby into my possession"
"What is that supposed to imply?" She questioned, trying not to react to Tommy's name.
"There's no point trying to play games with me young lady. I know more about you and your acquaintances than you can imagine. Don't think I won't use that against you" he tutted.
Emily rolled her eyes at the comment which caused for Sabini to raise his eyebrow. Unsure of where such confidence emerged, Emily decided it was a good idea to stand her ground sarcastically towards the London based gangster.
"Look Mr Sabini, I'm not sure what game you're trying to play with me but I'm not interested. I'm not here to give away Thomas Shelby - the man has his own buisness to attend to that's more important than your petty threats"
Sabini choked on his tea in frustration.
"I didn't agree to meeting you when you sent your men to intimidate me for fun. I agreed because I want to know more about you and how your buisness operates. You can threaten me all you like, but I think you know as well as I do, that Thomas Shelby isn't so easily fooled. You can kill me, be my guest, but mark my words, this gang war you have initiated over territory - or whatever the motivation is - is pointless" Emily ranted.
Sabini was so taken by her ranting that he had forgotten his trail of thought. Her plan was working. Stump him and then attack when he least expects him... that's what Tommy would do? ...Right?

A loud commotion was heard from outside the door.

Emily looked at Sabini and smiled. He gazed back confused to the fuss and at her complexity.
"Well would you look at the time?" Emily said, pointing at Sabini's watch. "It seems as though your men are severely outnumbered and are currently being-" she paused, "oh yes" she smiled, "excuse the language, but, totally fucked by the Peaky Blinders".
Sabini shot up and yelled in anger at the thought.

The door swung open revealing Tommy, John and Arthur. All the men in the room began pointing guns at one another...

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