Chapter Twelve

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The smell of burning candle filled the warmly lit dining room where Emily sat amongst her family. Her father had invited Lord White and his extended family over for a celebratory dinner; he had the staff prepare an immoderate and excessive feast alongside extravagant entertainment in hopes of impressing his daughters newly proposed family. The long dining table was elegantly decorated - Emily and Henry sat exactly in the middle, entertaining various members of each family as they were spoiled with numerous food courses. Despite this, Emily couldn't help but think about the events regarding Tommy prior to this evening. She also couldn't help but notice the vacant chair positioned just left of Henry's aunt. Emily leaned into the side of Henry and whispered.

"Do you know why there's a spare seat next to you aunt, Henry?"
Henry smiled and then proceeded to chuckle to himself before responding. "That seat is saved for my cousin James. I saw him earlier this morning, he said he would arrive just after dinner. He allegedly has important business to attend to"
"Oh. I suppose that is a justified excuse" Emily chuckled, sipping her drink. "What does he do for business?"
"If I'm honest my dear, I'm not entirely sure. I rarely see the man. He's always in and out of London on various business trips" He commented, "You need not concern yourself".

Emily nodded curiously as Lord White removed his hand from sight of the table and slowly caressed her leg to show his affection. Emily smiled uncomfortably and continued to seek conversation with the diverse set of people sat before her.


After the dinner, Emily sat peacefully alone; she had retired herself to the library one grounds of tiredness, and carefully analysed one of Jane Austen's novels - Emma. She often thought about how simple her life would be if she found herself one of the protagonists of Austen's novels, often letting her thoughts trail off into countless fantasies and a new idealised lifestyle.

Her peace was unexpectedly disturbed by a tall, muscular figure emerging through the door. The man strolled meticulously over to the table where the alcohol was kept and poured himself a glass of whisky. He then turned to Emily who was now sat precariously, staring outrageously at the unfamiliar man, and sat down in the chair beside her. Emily looked him up and down; he was perfectly kept, sporting a navy blue suit and a delicately shaped moustache. His hair was dark brown - slicked back in an unusual display with multiple strands falling loose across his face. He crossed his legs and smirked.

"Hello Emily" he perked up.
She continued to stare, letting it known that he had violated the peace.
"Don't be like that, I've been excited about meeting my new cousin" he sniffed. Emily closed her book.
"You must be James?" She acknowledged.
James swilled the liquid around in his glass before taking a sip and responding. "Sorry I'm late. I had business to attend to".
"Messy business I see?" Emily confronted.
"What makes you say that?"
"Your hair is out of place. I would have assumed from a man of your intelligence you would have thought about the small details when trying to convince someone that you were genuinely practicing business" Emily rolled her eyes.
James forced a smirk and nodded sharing his obvious impression at her wit.

"What do you believe is genuine business then Emily?" He questioned.
"Oh dear lord, where do I start? Law, accounting... maybe even journalism? You get the picture" she tutted, opening her book again. James stared at Emily conspicuously, as though he was analysing every detail about her and waiting for the answer to appear in his thoughts.

"So what do you think I was up to? Aside from deviating this god awful celebration" James responded.
Emily closed the book again and let out a small giggle. "My best guesses are something illegal. And by looking at the cuts on your hands, I'm guessing it's not the average gambling fight or disagreement..."
James finished the whisky and placed the glass on the table beside him.
"Quite the observer, aren't you?"
"You where too busy worrying about covering yourself that you also forgot to offer me a drink" she continued.
James got a cigarette from his pocket and lit it quickly before taking a long toke. "Now why would a pregnant lady consider drinking alcohol?"

Emily's face turned a pale greenish tone; she couldn't believe what he had just announced... it made her feel sick. Emily quickly composed herself.
"I don't know what you're talking about?" She deviated.
"No, no, no... you know exactly what I'm talking about" he waved his cigarette.
"Quite the contrary" Emily argued.
"Look, I know you have guessed my line of work Emily. If I'm honest, I'm very impressed with your wit, especially considering the lack of information you gathered to do so... but as you know from experience with the Peaky Blinders, we also do research on various gang members and their associates".
Emily closed her eyes in a moment of stress and sighed at the detail he was giving.
"I've heard you're very familiar with Mr Thomas Shelby?" He momentarily paused to think carefully about what he was to say next.
"If it is of any comfort, I'm not here to ruin your life. Quite the contrary... as you have already stated...I'm here to offer my services".

"Am I supposed to know what that means?" Emily questioned, opening her eyes and revealing he warmth of her olive green and turquoise eyes.
"I know that baby of yours is most certainly not my cousins" he cleared his throat. "I don't blame you for not loving him... he's a fucking idiot".
Emily smiled outrageously; she was beginning to like this man.
"I can help you get out of this marriage, and I can help be a witness to your marriage to Mr Shelby" he said, his thick cockney accent emerging more frequently with every word pronounced.
"What's in it for you? Emily raised her eyebrow.
"I want an alliance with the Peaky Blinders on all terms".
"Mhmmmm" Emily nodded.
"But given your condition Emily, we don't have a lot of time, especially if Thomas wants to raise his own baby and not pretend like the child is my cousins" James blurted.
"This seems all too good to be true" Emily speculated.
James raised his eyebrows and shrugged.
"What's it going to be Emily?..."

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