Chapter Thirty

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Six Years Later...

Over the past few years, Tommy had worked hard to provide for the family. He had managed to secure legal booking tracks which enabled the family to move out of Watery Lane and beyond the smog filled streets known as Small Heath. The betting den expanded through the walls of the Shelby houses and continued to prosper alongside the growing influence of the Peaky Blinders gang in and around Birmingham. Tommy, though always being the leader of the gang, assigned roles to each member of the gang, allowing their criminal activities to often go unnoticed and untraceable. It was now rare that the four Shelby brothers got their hands dirty. Arthur often reiterated to Finn "We're generals, we have soldiers for that line of work".

Tommy and Emily had married in a private ceremony and now shared two children together; Charles (Charlie) Shelby, who was now 6 years of age, and Ruby Shelby, a newborn of just two weeks. Emily's father had recently passed prior to the birth of Ruby. Her mother Marie lived privately but closely to the family. Now that her husband was gone and she often visited to see her grandchildren. Emily had inherited the majority of her fathers money and possessions, adding to the wealth which Tommy had accumulated over the years in his line of business. With this money, he had bought a large, glamours property on the outskirts of Birmingham for himself, his wife and children to reside.

John married Emily's best friend Mary and shared three children together; Jack Shelby, Martha Shelby and Billy Shelby. When they would visit Tommy and Emily, it was a common occurrence for both Charlie and Jack to cause havoc within the household; Mary often joked with Emily that one day, the boys would run the city just as Tommy, Arthur and John do.

Arthur lived next to John's farm with his wife Linda. Arthur had always dreamed of keeping chickens and he made sure that there were always plenty running around the yard. Both Arthur and Linda were expecting their first child together.

Polly, Ada and Michael still remained prominent members of the family despite moving away from Birmingham or just beyond the outskirts. Ada lived with her son Carl in London but frequently visited the family.


Emily sat quietly outside on a small stone bench which was placed carefully beside the extravagant water fountain in the back garden of the Shelby household. She wore a long white dress, laced with blue flowers that emerged prominently all over the skirting. She cradled her baby girl softly as she tilted her face towards the warmth of the sun, closing her eyes as the light blinded them. In the distance, she could hear the sounds of birds gracefully singing from amongst the trees, complimented by the occasional gurgle from the baby wrapped in her arms. As she re-opened her eyes, Emily gazed across the lawn and watched as Tommy emerged from the stable, guiding a stocky white horse that carried two young boys through the yard. She smiled; it was their son Charlie and his cousin Jack. The young boys giggled as they held onto on another, blatantly enjoying the slow ride. Emily could hear Tommy repeatedly telling the two boys to hold tightly as he continued to lead the horse around the garden.

Since the birth of Charlie, Emily had noticed Tommy's behaviour shift. He had become fiercely protective of his family - more so than he had been with Emily alone - which consequently caused him to become illusive with his criminal tendencies, often excluding his close family from business affairs. It was not unusual for Emily to notice Tommy's change in attitude, and she worried he would isolate himself from everyone to keep the business running securely, however, she knew better than to challenge his authority - once Tommy had made up his mind, there was nothing she or anyone else could do to change it.

Footsteps approached from behind Emily. As she tilted her head away from the sun, she watched as Mary approached with a tray of tea and perch on the bench beside her. John, Mary and their children were staying at the Thomas and Emily's manor for the weekend.

"Tea, Mistress Shelby?" Mary enquired.
"Oh yes, thank you Mistress Shelby" Emily giggled as she responded.
Mary began to pour a cup of tea; she gazed over to her friend and admired her and the baby.
"Gosh, she is just beautiful Emily. I am so happy for you and Thomas".
Emily blushed, looking down at her baby as she caressed the side of her finger across Ruby's cheek.
"She resembles Tom the most I believe. She has the most incredible, deep blue eyes" Emily responded.
Mary leaned over and analysed the baby. "She has your nose though!"

The two momentarily paused before starting conversation again. Emily placed Ruby into a wicker moses basket and wrapped her up in a small blanket before picking up her cup of tea and taking a sip.

"How's the twins?" Emily asked.
"They're great... aside from the lack of sleep they give us at night" Mary chuckled.
"I know the feeling" Emily responded. "Does John help out at night?"
"He does... when he's not off doing business with Tom or Arthur."

The tone of the conversation shifted abruptly.

"I worry about what they're getting up to Em. John has been out late a lot more than he usually does. I try not to ask questions, but it's hard not to when he returns at god knows what hour. You know? Like they used to do?" Mary sighed.
Emily frowned and then shot a look of concern over to her friend.
"I wish I knew something Mary. But truth is, Tommy is illusive with me too. It's not that it doesn't bother me, it's just I've learnt to not question it anymore, especially how there's children involved in our lives. I don't want to jeopardise their safety, and if that means I don't know what is going on, then as reluctant as I am to admit, I won't pester him."
"I am wiser not to argue with you Emily, but surely you of all people have not stepped back and accepted the unknown, especially when it concerns the people you love dearly?" Mary argued gently.

Emily chewed the side of her cheek as she thought of a response; Mary was right. Emily's curiosity had always gotten the better of her, but for once in her life, she felt utterly powerless when it came to Tommy's business. It was as though that feeling of curiosity had been deliberately drowned and replaced by an inexplicable feeling of overwhelming contempt. She considered it was primarily caused by the unconditional love she bore when her children arrived. But then she understood the shift in Tommy's secluded attitude; if she probed him for information it was likely he would act irrationally in a response to his own paranoia. The situation between her and Tommy was an unspoken agreement on the basis of family protection.

Just as Mary was about to say something else, she was interrupted by her son running across the field towards them. Emily sipped her tea again and watched the commotion. Mary placed her cup of tea aside just before Jack leaped into her arms.
"Hello my darling" Mary smiled.
"Mummy!" Jack cried excitedly. "Uncle Tommy said I could stay in Charlie's room tonight!"
"Oh, is that right Jack?" Mary replied.
Jack nodded and grinned.
Emily turned and faced Jack before talking to him.
"Maybe you could get Uncle Tommy and your daddy to create a den made from sheets in Charlie's room, if you like?"
"Yes!" Jack suddenly burst out with excitement.
"Where is Uncle Tommy and Charlie, Jack?" Emily asked.
"Putting the horse back in the stable" he said quickly before cuddling with Mary.


Emily opened the door to the stable and quietly walked in. As she turned the corner, she saw Tommy brushing the side of the horses mane and gently uttering "good girl" as the horse obeyed his touch. The horse snorted gently in response as Emily waited quietly for Tommy to finish. He had taken off his long black coat and exposed his white shirt and navy waistcoat, alongside sporting his round reading glasses.

Hearing her quiet steps, he turned and acknowledged her presence.
"I didn't mean to disturb you" Emily remarked quaintly.
Tommy shook his head in dismissal of her comment and walked over to her. As he stood before her, he reached his hands, cupping her cheeks and kissing her forehead before she could say anything else.
"Is everything okay?" Tommy asked.
"Of course. I just came to check on you. Jack tells me you said the boys could both sleep in Charlie's room tonight" Emily smiled.
"Yes, well, it's what John, Arthur and I used to do when we were younger. We should keep up the tradition" Tommy responded.
"You can deal with the chaos then" Emily smirked cheekily in attempts to wind him up.
Tommy smiled. "I always do".

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