Chapter 2

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Dedicated to @PrestigiousPickles, for this part is based on your brother.

I sit down in front of my laptop playing TF2, with my friends, in my underwear. Right in the middle of our game, I see Jorinda in the corner of my eye staring at me, for a second or so. I just continue my game, not paying attention to my open door.

But I can't help, but look in that direction. Then I hear a creaking noise, and I get shaking fingers, sweat glands gather on my forehead. "Hey Allan let's dosey doe." I whisper with my purple beats on side off so I can hear when it's time for dinner, and the other side on, so that I can hear Allan.

"Yeah let's," I hear tiptoeing feet, "do it," I look at the laptop screen, as we dosey doe, I see in the corner of my eye a shadowy figure, walking towards the bathroom. "Um, Allan I need to go!" I close the laptop. "What the hell!"

ShadowsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon