Chapter 5

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Jorinda's Pov

The creature takes a step, I stay there, then another, I freeze, then it walks, so close, to close, so something in my mind told me get out of here run. I walk backwards, but that only makes the other follow to, so I run to my room, and it follows me.

It grabs my foot, and sinks it's teeth into my heel, which only gives the smaller one time to bite me in my right thigh. I scream in pain, shut the door in the monsters face, and cry. A few seconds later the I open the door and they were gone.

Later, Joringel shows up with mom, who's joy, is replaced with a pale face, red lips replaced with, thin bones. "Sorry, we took so long I couldn't get mom out of the closet." Joringel whispers, looking at me from head to toe. " Oh, your not ok, are you?" Mom whispers examining my wounds.

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