Chapter 7

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"Mom?" I cry, holding Mom's head in my lap. Her lifeless body, vibrating, like she's choking. Choking? What? I think. Joringel, enters, shocked. "I killed her?" He whispers..."I killed her, and I'll kill you to!" Joringel yells.

"Jorinda," he says. I get up. "No, stay back. I don't want to hurt you... I can't hurt you!" Joringel runs away, sobbing, into his sleeves. "Just kill me now! You never meant anything to me anyways!" I cried. I saw anger flow into his eyes.

"Fine! I'll kill you with slow pain! Just to make you see how much I don't mean to you!" Joringel snatches a small pocket knife from his pocket. I closed my eyes knowing this was the end. Terrified, I fought back. I gripped his arm with the knife away from me and dug my long nails into his boney shoulder. "Oww!" Joringel yelped.

I felt a cool liquid down my wrist as I began to punch him in the face roughly. Opening my eyes, I

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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