Ella's POV: 

After the meet and greet, Shannon, Alex, Damon and I gathered ourselves into the back lounge of the Black Veil Brides bus, looking over my suitcase as we try to figure out what I should wear when Cam comes to get me. 
"I don't see what the big deal is," I say, not for the first time. "It's not like I'm going on a date, I'm just picking up merch." 
Shannon sighs, "Because you're cute, Ella. Gorgeous, even, and we want Cam to see that." 
I give a roll of my eyes as I pick up a pair of red, studded shorts, and a white tank top. "I'll wear this, okay? It's cute and comfortable." I check my phone. "Especially since he's gonna be here in five." 
I step out of the back lounge and close the door behind me. I get dressed and glance out of the window as I go into the front lounge and grab my perfume, it's just an old Bath and Body Works scent called Dark Kiss. 
"Okay, how do I look?" I ask once I'm back in the same lounge as my friends, slowly turning to give them a good view. 
"You look great," Damon says with a sigh. "I still think that you should've worn the dress." 
I glance over my shoulder as there's a knock on the bus door. "I'll wear the dress tonight, CC is taking me out for dinner." 
Alex raises an eyebrow with a smirk. "A date with CC?" 
"Contrary to popular belief, not everything involving me and guy is date." I say as I go to the door. "It's just dinner, just like how it's just merch." I open the door and smile as I see Cam standing outside. 
He isn't wearing anything fancy, but he did swap his tank top for a t-shirt and a vest. When he sees me, he gives a smile in return. "Ella, you look great." 
I chuckle as I look down at my shoes. "Thanks." I carefully walk down the steps as my friends appear behind me. "You don't look too bad yourself." 
He glances behind me and at the three stooges that resides there before looking back at me. "Right, well, if you're ready, I suppose we can go." 
"That sounds great." I take my backpack from Shannon and follow Cam while she, Alex, and Damon stand by the Black Veil Brides bus. I can't tell if Cam and I are awkward because one of the fact that my friends were watching us leave, or because one of us was already feeling awkward. 
"You know," I say, clearing my throat as we walk toward his bus. "My friends made a huge deal about this." 
Cam chuckles as he looks at me from over his shoulder. "Is that right? I'm glad it wasn't just my friends, then." 
I grin as I jog to catch up to him and walk backwards as I turn to face him. "Let me guess, Ben made sex jokes and Dawn couldn't stop talking about how she always thought we'd make a nice couple." 
"Yup. Those two are pretty much relentless." Cam says as he takes my hand and gently turns me back around. "For once, I'm glad that June isn't around, otherwise her and Ben would be pushing for something to happen." 
"And how is the Terror Twin?"
"She's okay, last we heard, she was in San Diego." 
"What's in San Diego?" 
"The Hell if I know, but we know she's safe, and that's all that really matters." 
June was one of the three guitarists for Asking Alexandria, until From Destiney when she had to take a step back. The general public never got an answer for why it had happened, but her friends did. With her mental health detartrating, she had turned to heavy drug and alcohol abuse. She decided that it was best for everyone if she stepped back and took a break, at least until she could get better. 
"Yeah, I'm glad she's doing alright now." I say as I give his hand a squeeze before I take my hand back. 
"Me too." He looks down at me with a smile before we opens the bus door and steps aside to let me in first. 
Upon walking in, Cam and I are met face to face with Dawn piggyback riding on James as she yells and had him in a choke hold. "James! Give it back!" 
"I will when you apologize for what I just walked in on!" James yells back. 
"C'mon, James, it's not that bad." Danny calls from the back lounge. 
"Uhh, no. It was pretty bad." Sam somewhat helpfully comments. 
I blink a few times as I turn to look at Cam before slowly turning to look at everyone else. "Excuse me... What?" 
"He's corrupting her!" James yells in response. 
"Mate, he's been corrupting her." Ben says as he lets out a laugh. 
"Yeah... umm, it's bit too late to be worried about that one." I say as I hold back a giggle and take Dawn's camera from James. "Anyway, I'm here to get some merch from you guys, not break up a sibling rivalry." 
Dawn jumps down from James's back and carefully take the camera from me. "Thanks, Ella." 
"Yeah, no problem, Dawny." 
She went to the bunk row and roll into her bunk as Danny walks into the front lounge, pulling on a shirt as he did. "It's lovely to see you, Ella." 
"You too, Danny." I give him a quick hug before I sat down next to Cam. 
It's odd to see Danny like this, it was like he didn't know where he belonged, like he was almost a shell of a person. He'd been like that for months now, it made me fear for what would happen when he decided where that is going to be, I don't want to see Dawn get hurt. 
"So," Ben says as he turns his gaze to look at me. "Who's the merch for?" 
"It's for my friend, Cecily." I explain as I fidget with the studs on my shorts. "She wasn't able to make it to tour this year, so Shannon, Alex and I are gathering things for her." 
Ben nods softly as he leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees. "Sure, I think we can do that for you." 
I give him a smile as Cam rests his arm over my shoulders. I lean into his side and close my eyes, I can feel myself starting to relax against him. It's sort of jarring, feeling how comfortable I'm already getting around Cam. 
Danny clears his throat, causing me to open my eyes to look at him. "Does Andy know that you're here?" 
I sit back up and shake my head. "No, but I don't always have to tell him where I'm going." 
Ben chuckles as he gives me a smirk. "Taking a walk on the rebellious side, Ella?" 
I return the smirk as I lean toward him. "I don't know what you're talking about, Ben. I'm just here for some merch." 
"And was getting all cozy with Cam not a part of that plan?" James asks with a smirk of his own starting to grow over his lips. 
I roll my eyes at that as I get to my feet. "I really do think that I should get that merch and head out. I have a dinner later and I don't wanna be late for it." 
"Oh?" Ben asks as he raises an eyebrow at me. I've always been jealous of people who could do that, whenever I tried, both of mine always raised together. "Little Biersack has a date?" He teases as he pokes at my sides. 
I giggle as his fingers tickle at my sides, but still manage to pull away from him as I shake my head, still smiling. "No, CC is just taking me out to dinner to make up for the fact that I was born with Andy for a brother." I glace at Cam as I give my explanation, he looks almost relieved to hear that it wasn't a date, which confused me. Why would he be relieved about that?
"Ah, I see." Cam says as he stands up. "Well, let me get that for you so you can be on your way." 
"Will you be walking me back?" I ask, before I silently scolded myself. I sound to needy, to eager to have him around. 
"Of course I am," he calls over his shoulder as he made him back to the rear of the bus. "You'd be absolutely lost without me." 
"Oh yeah," I say with a chuckle. "Terribly lost. Dreadfully, even." 
"I know you would be." He chuckles with me as he comes back with a t-shirt, a hate and a CD. I hold them carefully against my chest. I hope that the others were able to get merch from Pierce the Veil and Of Mice and Men. 
"Hey," Cam says as he looks down at me and into my eyes. Out of my own control, I felt my cheeks heat up and butterflies flutter in my stomach. I silently cursed my body for being so weak. "Why don't you stick around for a little while longer?" 
"Or we could walk around?" I suggest as Danny and Ben sat up straighter in their seats. I didn't like the idea of the two of them getting ideas about us. 
"Sure." Cam smiles as he lead the way back to the bus door and held it open for me. 
I hold the merch against my side with one hand and held Cam's with the other. As much as I know I shouldn't have liked it, I like, maybe even love, how my body reacts to his touch. Maybe I'm not as over that crush as I thought I was. 
"Why are you risking getting in trouble with Andy to hangout with me?" He asks he interlocks our fingers. 
I stay quiet for a few seconds. I don't think I have an actual reason, I just know that this seemed to be what I want. "Maybe." I finally say. "I just think you're worth it." 
Cam's POV: 

Ella looks up at me with her big blue eyes. They were the only thing that betrayed how nervous she really was to be going behind Andy's back. But I couldn't help but smile as I pull us to a gentle stop. 
"You think I'm work it?" 
"I know you're worth it." 
I read out to brush her hair out of her face, the tips of my fingers brush against her cheek, and it made me smile even wider as she stays still as I trace my fingers over her skin. "Little Ella Biersack, finally unwavering in her beliefs." 
She raises her eyebrows. I assume she was trying to look challenging, but she's never been able to raise just the one brow. "You think you can be the one to do it?" She asks. 
"I think I could." My fingers now just barely brush over her lips. They hover there for a moment as she parts them under my touch. "If you let me." 
"Maybe I could." Ella gulps nervously as my fingers left her lips and went down to her throat. I hadn't seen her this nervous before, I like that I had this effect on her, never thought that it would be possible that I could. "You gonna make a move, Cam, or just keep touching me?" She asks, her voice shaking as she glances from my lips to my eyes. 
I chuckle as I let my hand fall away and back to my side. "I'll make a move later." 
She blinks a few times as I take her hand again. She stays as close to me as possible as we walk down the bus alley, even running her thumb over my knuckles. "When will you make on, if not today?"
"One day, I'll surprise you." I lead the way between the buses until I found a hill with a tree sitting atop it. She follows silently, staying quiet as I sit us down and held her against my side. "How about we go on a date? I know you like arcades." 
"I wouldn't mind going to an arcade with you." Ella raises her head to look up at me. "It would be fun." 
"Then it's a date?" 
She smiles as she leans her head against my shoulder. She set the merch down on her lap as she closes her eyes. "Yeah." She says softly. "It's a date." 
In my eyes, this is a step in the right direction, but I know that it would take time to break down the walls she's built around herself to keep her safe. I hope that I'm lucky enough to do it. 
Ella's POV: 

It was nice, in a strange way, to be feeling this comfortable around someone that wasn't CC, or one of my friends from MDE. I feel like I can stay like this, with him, forever. This jarring thought sent be back to my feet, and the sudden motion sent the merch I got from Asking flying in three separate directions. 
"Ella?" Cams says, sounding concerned as he also got to his feet. "Are you okay?" 
I blink rapidly as I try and collect my thoughts. I didn't want it to get that far. I don't want to let Cameron in. He can't get passed my walls. I'll end up hurt and he'll end up dead. 
"Ella?" He repeats as he reaches out to grasp my hand. "What's wrong?" 
I didn't realize I was shaking until he was holding my hand again. I let him pull me to him and against his chest, I kept my hands tucked between us. 
"Nothing." I whisper as I lean my forehead against his chest. "I'm just... I'm worried about us going too fast." 
He sets his chin against the top of my head, and sighs as he rubs my back and shoulders with one hand, and kept me held with the other. "We can go as fast, or slow, as you want. I don't expect you to fall in love with me right away." 
I nod slowly, and eventually, I raised my head to look up at him. "Thanks, Cam." 
He gives me his usual gentle and kind smile. He leans down and kisses my forehead. Once again, against my will, butterflies flutter in my stomach, and my head swims as I start to get flustered. "Of course." 
When I've gathered my bearings, I step away from him and pick up the merch, then held it against my chest again. "We should get back to my bus. I don't want Andy to worry." 
"Or, more like, you don't want us to get caught." 
"Oh, that too. I don't think a double homicide should be on the menu tonight." 
As we walk back to the bus, Cam keeps his arm around my waist, and when we approach, I see that Shannon, Alex and Damon all have their faces pressed against the windows of my brother's bus. 
"Looks like the peanut gallery has been waiting for our return." Cam says, chuckling as he noticed what I had. 
"Yeah, I almost wanna give 'em a show." I turn to face him as we stop in front of my temporary home. 
"We can give them a small one." He pulls me back against him and gives me a big bear hug with his arms locked around my waist as he rocked us back and forth. 
I giggle quietly as I look up at him. I glance between his eyes and his lips as I feel myself leaning up on my toes as he down. My lips part in anticipation and my head starts to swim as his lips just barely brush against mine, I can feel them tingle from the barely present pressure.
He doesn't full press his lips against mine. In fact, he even pulls away as I do try and get more. "I'll see you on Wednesday, Ella." 
"Oh, yeah. See you." 
I stand there in stunned silence as I watch him walk away like he didn't just stop my heart in my chest. I didn't even realize that I wasn't breathing until Shannon came out and shook my shoulders. 
"Breathe, Ella." She said as she ushered me inside and sat me down. "Breathe." 
I finally take a breath and reach up to touch my lips. "Oh my God." I whisper, my eyes wide as Alex takes the merch from me.
"'Oh my God' is right." Damon agrees. 
"Just merch, huh?" Alex asks as they gather around me. They all wear nearly identical smirks. 
"It was... And then it turned into a walk and we sat at a tree, and... Oh my God." I whisper as I touch my lips again. "I have a date with Cameron Liddell." 
"You what?!" The three of them yell as they suddenly stood up.
"I have a date with Cam." I repeat. "At an arcade. He remembered that I like arcades." 
"What are you going to wear?" Alex asks. 
"I have no idea." I slowly get to my feet and look out of the window. I can see Andy and the guys making their way to the bus. I blink as I suddenly come back to reality. "Oh my God, I have a date with with Cam and Andy is going to kill me." 
"It's not like you're breaking any bylaws." Damon offers helpfully. "And you're an adult." 
"Yeah, and he's Andy." I say as I push away from the window and quickly get to my bunk to grab my book before I throw myself back into my seat on the couch. "Just act natural." 
The bus door opens and the guys shuffle on. I felt myself stiffen, and Shannon did as well. I look at Damon and Alex and they are wearing the same deer in the headlights expression that Shannon and I must be. 
 I clear my throat and start to read my book, but I didn't take in any sort of information. I was too worried about getting caught. 
"You guys okay?" Andy asks wearily as he looks at us. "You all look like you've seen a ghost." 
Damon laughs nervously. "A ghost? No, no umm..." He clears his throat as he looks to the rest of us for help. 
I look over my book over my book at them and sigh dramatically. "We're in mourning, Andy." 
Andy raises an eyebrow at us. "Mourning?" 
CC, on the other hand, looks very concerned. "Who died?" 
"Was it anyone important?" Ashley asked next. 
I close my book and set it down on my back. "Cecily had a batch of sea monkeys, all named Georgie Jr." I look at CC, who doesn't really seem to be buying it, to Andy, who just looks confused. "The Georgies died to day. It was very tragic." 
Alex clears her throat before speaking. "Yeah, her cat knocked over the tank." 
This incident just happened last week, but I was truly glad that this information came in handy. Andy sighs in defeat and walks passed us and into the back lounge. 
"Tell your friend we're sorry for her loss." Jinxx says as he pats my head and ruffles my hair. 
Jake looks at the four of us as he blinks rapidly, trying to take in the confusing information. But really, I'd rather them all be confused at our antics, than me ending up six feet under. "You're acting weird because a bunch of shrimp died?" 
I set my book down on the couch next to me as I stand up. "Well, they were a beloved member of the family, Jake." I glance at CC, silently begging him to back me up as my story is questioned. 
CC take s me into his arms and pat my head with a mumble of. "Tell me later?" 
"Mhm." I mutter. 
"Awe, Sunshine. I'm sorry." He says. 
This seems to be enough, and Jinxx, Jake and Ashley finally leave us alone. Alex, Shannon, Damon and I all relax, very visibly so. "Well, see you later, Ella." Damon says as he gets to his feet. "We should go and make sure that Cecily gets some flowers." 
With a mumble of good-bye, Alex, Damon and Shannon leave. I slowly step away from CC and wipe my hands off on my shorts. I close my eyes and run a hand through my hair, I now had to tell CC that I had a date with a friend of the band. 
"Not here." I whisper as I sat back down and glance toward the back of the bus. "Even buses have ears, CC." 
I get up and take the merch to my bunk, safely tucking it away until I can get it to Shannon. As I turn to face CC, my phone starts going off. Looking down at it, I see that it's my MDE group chat, blowing up with the news that I scared a date with Cam. I sigh and shove it back into my pocket. 
I take CC's hand and bring him outside. As soon as the door closes, I look up at him. I don't know why, but I'm almost scared to tell him. 
"What is it?" He asks. "What's wrong?" 
I reach up and rub that space between my eyebrows with a sigh. "I have a date with Cam." 

I feel a wave of shock rush through me as I take in this information. Little Ella Biersack, who I've known since she was twelve, who had gone through one moment of heartache when she was sixteen and decided never again, has a date with Cameron from Asking Alexandria, a band that was known for causing heartache?
When my moment of shock was over, it was quickly replaced by a flare of jealousy. Which confused me, I should be happy for her, I'm among her most trusted, her best friend. I should be happy for her. 
I push past my wide range of emotions and force a smile on my face as I look down at her. "That's really great, Ella. I'm happy for you." 
She looks relieved to hear that as she relaxes. "Thanks, CC." 
"Yeah, no problem." I pull her into another hug and tock us side to side as I pet her hair. "And I talked to Andy, got your weird curfew lifted." 
She pulls away from me with an excited squeak and a bright smile. "Really?" 
Ella hops around, smiling widely as she then starts running around, telling and whooping. She stops long enough to kiss my cheek. "You're the best. I could kiss you!" 
As much as it hurt that I had to watch her go on a date with Cam, it made me happy to see her eyes light up for the first time in six years. 
And now I have to take her out for dinner, and hear all about how she's excited about her date with Cam. 

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