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Ella's POV: 

Warm. I feel so warm. I can hear a heart beating against my ear, and my nose is filled with the smell of Cam's bodywash. I open my eyes and raise my head slightly, Cam is still sleeping. He looks so... peaceful. Every now and then, his eyes move behind his eyelids as he dreamt. He keeps his arms wrapped around my waist, with a hand resting on the small of my back. I smile and lay back down beside him. 
Cam had put the blankets over us in my sleep, and even let me keep one of my legs draped over his. I reach up and trace patterns against his chest, swirls and hearts, his name and my name. He slept through it all. 
When I shift around in my arms, that was when he finally wakes up. His arm tightens around my waist and he opens his eyes to look down at me. "I was worried last night was a dream." He says, his voice thick with sleep. His thumb rubs against the sensitive flesh of my waist. He chuckles as I twitch involuntarily. "You sleep okay?" 
"I haven't slept that well in a very long time." I say honestly. I raise my head and lean over him with a soft smile. "I could sleep like that every day for the rest of my life." 
"Is that so?" He reaches up and traces his fingers over my cheeks and nose, before he cups my cheek. "I'm glad you slept well." 
I close my eyes and lean my cheek against his hand. "I could get used to this, you know?" I take a breath and lean my forehead against his, my eyes opening as I look down at him. I kiss his cheek before I lay back against his chest. "I'm surprised that we were both able to fit in here." 
"It worked because you're so small." He turns us over on our side and snuggles me close. He presses his lips against my neck, and chuckles as I snuggle closer. "My little fun sized Ella." 
I giggle quietly as I watch out the window. I don't think that anything in the whole wide world could ruin this moment, I can just stay wrapped up in my own little world with Cam. And of course, that was before I see a very pissed off looking Andy marching his way toward the bus. I groan and lay my head against Cam's arm. 
"Oh no." He says as he looks out of the window.
"Yup." I sigh as I sit up. "We need to get me a pair of pants." 
"Already on it!" Dawn calls as Cam gets out of the bunk and helps me out. 
We quickly get our pants on, and I gather my things incase things end poorly as in I have to leave my wonderful little safety bubble. "You think you can handle this?" Ben asks as we all-or at least Ben, Dawn, Cam and I-watch the door. 
"Yeah, I live with him." I say with a sigh as there's a knock on the door. "I can handle him angry on my worst day." I take a moment to gather my bearings, and then I open the door. Andy looks nearly as pissed as he did when Cam and I saw him. 
"You snuck out." 
"You left me unsupervised." I cross my arms over my chest. "You lifted my curfew. I'm twenty-two years old, I don't need one. I used my newly found freedom to stay here." 
"You could've told me, or CC-" 
"I don't have too. I'm safe here." 
"What? Like June was?" 
I hear Ben suck in an angry gasp behind me, then Dawn speaking softly to him. I shake my head at him. "June... what happened to June was nobody's fault." 
"I know." Andy lets his head hang in shame, and hopefully guilt. After a few seconds, he raises his head to look passed me and at Ben. "I'm sorry, man. I know what happened to June wasn't anyone's fault." 
"No, it is someone's fault, but it's fine." Ben says. "But she has the right to stay here without big brother hanging over her." 
Andy turns his gaze to Cam, who keeps a protective hand on my shoulder. "You'll keep her safe?" 
"Of course, Andy." Cam gives my shoulder a quick and gentle squeeze. "She'll be safe with me." 
"I know she will be." Andy turns his gaze back to me and sighs as he sets his hands on his hips. Honestly, it was the first time in years I've ever seen him look, and act, like our mother. "Why did you feel like you had to sneak out last night?" 
"I didn't sneak out, exactly. I just wanted to see their set, and see Cam." I can't tell him what CC had said last night, he'd be dead as soon as Andy got back to the Black Veil Brides bus. "And then I got really tired and wanted to stay here." 
Andy doesn't seem to catch the half truth I had given him, and if he had caught it, he didn't visibly show it. He nods and relaxes a little more. "Are you staying here today? We're about to head to the next stop." 
"Yeah, I'll be staying here." I smile as I look over my shoulder and at Cam. "Besides, I have a date tonight." 
"Alright, I'll leave you be." He says before he turns on his heal and leaves us alone. 
I finally relax and lean back against Cam. He easily scoops me up, and into his arms before he carries me back into the bus proper. He sat us back down on the couch and holds me protectively, keeping his nose nuzzled against my hair. 
"That didn't go as bad as I thought it would." I mumble as I snuggle close to his chest. 
"Yeah... I kind of wish that it went better though." He mumbles back as he lifts his head to look at me. "But looks like you'll be here all day." 
I smile up at him. "Guess you'll have me to yourself today." My smile turns into a small grin. "You'll have to keep me busy." 
"I'm sure I can do that." He kisses my cheek then sets me down on the couch. "I'll get you something to eat." 
"Alright." I smile to myself as I watch him do his work in the small bus kitchen.
Slowly, surely, everyone else in the bis woke up and go about their mornings. Danny kisses Dawn's temple and cheek as he pulls her close to his side. James spoke on the phone with June, base on the side of the conversation I could hear, she was doing okay, Sam was struggling to stay awake, and Ben decided to go hangout in the back lounge and play video games. 
When I had been given my breakfast, Cam sits back down next to me and runs his fingers through my hair as I ate. I lean her head on his shoulder as I slowly ate the eggs and toast. I have so much I have to tell Alex, Shannon and Damon that it seems ridiculous. Two days ago, I was so against going anywhere near Cam, and now, here I am, all snuggled up to him, happy that I'm with him, and that I feel safe. 
I lean up and kiss his cheek as I get to my feet and head back into the back to get my phone. I already have tons of texts, mostly from the MDE group chat that were about what our next videos were going to be. But there was one text from CC. 
He didn't remember what had happened last night, he was worried that he'd done, or said, something wrong. I don't think what he said last night was bad, I just thought that it was weird. I shrug it off, and quickly tell him that he didn't do anything wrong. 
Then I sat back down next to Cam as I text my group chat with Alex, Shannon and Damon. 

Ella: You guys will never believe what happened last night. 
Shannon: What happened. 
Alex: Was it anything bad?
Ella: What? No. CC said that he wishes he could hold me. That he should be protecting me from the kinds of boys that want to do to me what he wants to do. 
Damon: That's kinda weird. Then what happened? 
Ella: Then I went to see Cam, and I got to stay on the Asking bus. I slept in his bunk with him. 
Alex: OMG. What was it like? 
Shannon: Give us all the details!
Ella: It was good. He was so polite while holding me, I felt warm and safe. He kissed my shoulder and my neck. It was everything I always imagined it would be. 
Damon: Look at our little Ella. She's all grown up!
Alex: So, where are you now? 
Ella: Still on the Asking bus. I'll be traveling with them today. 

The three of them keyboard smashed, and I giggle quietly as I shove my phone back into my bag as I lean against Cam with a sigh. He is safe and warm, like my own little pocket of happiness that kept me protected from the rest of the world. "What do we need to do today?" 
"We don't really have anything on the docket." He takes me by my waist and pulls me onto his lap. "I have a few ideas for what I could do with you." 
I raise challenging eyebrows. "Oh? And what devious things do you have planned for me, Mister Liddell?" 
He gives me a big grin and suddenly lunges forward, pinning me to the couch and tickling my sides as he nips and kisses my neck. I giggle so loud and hard that my stomach burns and my lungs scream for air. "I think Imma eat you up." He whispers against my skin, causing me to shiver slightly. 
There's a chuckle from the kitchen area, Sam had been making himself a sandwich. "You two are just adorable." 
"Thanks." I wiggle out from under Cam and wink at him as he sits up. "I'm gonna wash up real quick and my brush my hair." 
He nods as he stands up and follows me to the bunk isle where he proceeds to roll under his bunk. He gives me an unwavering smile. "You can use my brush. It's the black and blue one." 
I nod before I duck into the bathroom. I take a look in the mirror, my hair is... beyond disheveled, I practically had living on my head. I'm also flushed, and I can't seem to be able to keep a smile off my face. 
Why was I letting Cam get this close? I shouldn't, not when I was scared to love... to love it was to destroy, and getting involved with one of the Asking boys, it was like I was asking for trouble, and yet.. I can't stop. It's like I'm high on the feeling he gives me. I sigh as I brush my hair out of my face and rinse my mouth out with their mouthwash, then left. 
I crawl into his bunk and rest my chin on his shoulder, watching as his scrolls through Netflix. "Hey." I whisper to him as I pull the curtains closed. 
"Hey, Beautiful." He rolls over to face me. "How about we watch something? We could stay in here all day until we get to town." His arm snakes around my waist, and he pulls me on top of him. His fingers trail down my sides and to my thighs. "Would you like that?" 
"I would love that." I say, my breath starting to shudder as he traced patterns into my skin. I feel goosebumps appear over my legs and arms, and I shiver. "As long as you promise to hold me." 
"Oh, I can promise to do more than that." He chuckles quietly as his hands trail up my thighs, going at an agonizingly slow pace. "What do you want to watch?" 
It takes me a few seconds to answer, I'm having a hard time collecting my thoughts, all I can focus on is the feeling of his hands on my body. "How-how about that one show, American Horror Story?" 
"I've been meaning to get into that one." He lifts me slightly and sets me down beside him, both of us now facing the wall of the bunk. As we settle in and get comfy, his fingers still trail up and down my form. He seems delighted to watch my goosebumps appear in his wake. "I like the effect I have on you." 
"I'm sure you do." 
He reaches over and starts the show, but I can barely pay attention to the show, all I can think about was his skin on mine. I'm so hyper aware of every move he makes that my brain almost goes haywire. Eventually, when I was able to focus on the show, Cam would kiss my neck when I got tense at the spooky parts, as if he was reminding me that he was there. He'd hold me closer when I got sad about a death, and chuckle when I yell at the show for being stupid. Which, in American Horror Story, that last one happened a lot. 
"Wait!" I yell as Violet starts to throw up the pills in the tub with Tate. "Did she die?" I feel tears trick at the back of eyes. I reach up to wipe them away. "Is she dead? Cam, is she dead?" 
"Ella, I don't know." He kisses my shoulder and rubs my arm as tears start to spill more quickly. "Are you okay? I didn't actually think you were paying attention." 
"I had a Hell of a time paying attention." I turn around in his arms and nuzzle my face against his chest. "You were trying to distract me." 
"I was." He admits as he reaches down to grasp my thigh and gives it a gentle squeeze. "What can I say? I like hearing you whine." 
"I didn't whine." 
"I beg to differ." He whispers into my ear as he grasps my ass next and gives it a squeeze. "You want more, don't you?" 
I close my eyes and bite on the edge of my lip, fighting with myself to keep from making a noise. I swallow nervously as I snuggle closer to him, maybe his chest would be able to muffle them. 
"I make you feel good." He continues as his hand slips into the waistband of my sweatpants. His fingers dance over my flesh, expertly so, as if he was plucking the strings of a guitar, but he never tried to reach my panties, he was just teasing me, dangling the thought in front of me.
I lay on my back and reach down, lifting my butt off of the bed so I could shimmy my pants off. "Can't just tease me and expect me to not be bold." 
He chuckles and pulls his hands away. Cam takes a moment to look at me, his eyes scanning over every part of my body, there was a part of me that thought he could see through what little clothing I'm wearing. Cam carefully moves and hovers over me, I suspect that he was being so careful because he didn't want to hit his head on the roof of him bunk. 
"Stay still." He whispers, his breath disturbing the loose strands of hair that were on my forehead. "You move, and this ends. You understand?" 
I nod slowly, keeping my arms at my sides. I can't find my words, my head is becoming clouded and I was starting to get flustered. 
"Come on," he whispers again as he leans down and presses his lips to the corner of my mouth. "Use your words, Baby." 
"Y-yes." I manage to stutter. "Yes, Sir. I understand." 
"Sir?" He repeats. "I like the sound of that." 
He hovers again, looking down at me for a few seconds, as if he's trying to memorize every single feature of it. He leans down again, I can feel his lips on my throat again. He slowly trails his lips over my skin, sucking gently on the base of my throat, and then he moves further down. 
He keeps one hand on my hip, as if he was holding me still, and the other was keeping him braced over me. He momentarily takes his hand off of my hip and pulls my shirt up, pulling it up to just below my breasts. He sucks in a low breath before he ducks his head down and start to softly kiss my body again. 
Every time his mouth made contact with my body, it was like a blazing fire was slowly starting to lick up my body. It makes my breath shudder, and I struggle to not move. I want something more than I touch him too, to run my fingers through his hair. 
I clench my jaw shut as a whine threatens to escape. I take a sharp in take of breath as his lips touch my hip, and before I could stop it, my hips jerk up and against his face. I feel my cheeks heat up, both in embarrassment and frustration. 
He chuckles as he lifts his head and hovers back over me. He pulls my shirt back down and lays down beside me. "You seem to have enjoyed yourself." 
"Would've enjoyed it more if I could control my body." I say, not even trying to hide how frustrate I felt. 
"Just means I have to teach you control." He kisses my forehead and pulls me against his chest. "Lets take a nap, when we get to the next city, I'm taking you out on that date." 
"I'll have to change first." I snuggle as close to him as I can and close my eyes. "I can't go on with only your shirt on." 
"Would be an amazing show." He chuckles as he runs his fingers up and down my shoulders and back. "But you're right." 
"I wanna look cute." 
"I hate to break it to you, but you always look cute." 
"Fine," I say with a yawn. "I wanna look sexy for you." I can already see the outfit I wanna wear now. One that would drive him crazy enough to make him not stop touching me even if I moved. 
"I look forward to it." He shifts us around and moves me so I'm laying on his chest. 
I nuzzle my face into his neck and give his throat a gentle kiss as I press myself against him. I was delighted when I felt him stiffen beneath me. I make a show of getting comfortable, and I only stop moving when he grasps my ass in both of his hands. 
"You did that on purpose." 
"I can't be the only one napping while being frustrated." 
"You play dirty." 
I grin against his skin and give his throat a little nip. "You better get used to it." 
"You wouldn't want it any other way." 
He gives my ass a not to gentle squeeze and presses me back down against his crotch. "You want to play dirty?" He whispers huskily into my ear as he grins himself up, and against me. "You like to play games? Then we can play games, Baby. Don't you dare wear panties tonight." 
"Okay." I feel a thrill run through me at the thought. I shiver as he runs a finger up my clothed slit. 
"Answer me properly." 
"Yes, Sir." 
"That's a good girl." He takes his hands away and kisses the top of my head. "Get some sleep." 
And slowly, when I've gotten my body and mind to relax, I finally fall asleep. 

Faithless. ~2~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя