The shift

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P.S this is my first fanfic and the source material is from the anime seasons 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 of Danmachi and what I can remember from Fairy tail. secondly my grammar tends to suck so if you can pls tell me about spelling errors or tips pls much appreciated  


Riveria's Pov 

 I was doing some shopping for the Loki familia when I felt this massive amount of magical pressure that almost knocked me to the ground when I saw this brilliant star fall from the sky, far from Orario. I wondered if the star had caused the pressure, then I thought that was silly for it was so far away and I went on with my shopping, but I saw many of the Gods converging to the Tower of Bable with grim expressions on their faces.

It was clear that the towns folk did not feel it nor many of the adventures but for some reason I did. When I got back to the Twilight Manor, I made my way to the office of my Familias captain when I overheard Lefiya talking to Tiona and Tione about the weird pressure I felt, saying that 

"it was so strong that it knocked me off my feet." 

when Lefiya saw me she asked "Riveria did you feel the strong magical pressure?  Tiona and Tione don't believe me " 

 Tiona and Tione did in fact look rather skeptical however when they saw me nod, they looked shocked, and Tiona says that they did not feel it and that Lefiya has asked around the Familia with no one else feeling it and people thinking that Lefiya was going crazy. 

After the short interaction I asked Lefiya to come with me to the captain's office, leaving Tiona and Tione confused.

As I knocked on the door to the office, I asked Lefiya what she thought of the pressure whether she was scared of it or not. she gives me a quick glance before looking at her feet and says, "no I thought it felt rather comforting it felt warm and welcoming but also hurt and afraid"

I looked at her with astonishment asking her "how did you feel that? All I felt was the strong pressure and fear" 

"I do not know how I felt it, but it is what I felt " she responds with more strength in her voice than what I'm used to.

Afraid that I somehow, I offend her by doubting her that I hastily tell her that I believe her and that I hope she is right.

 Finn opens the door saving me from a response however I saw the grim expression on Finn's face, and I ask him " what's wrong Finn? why do you have such a grim face? Is this because of the pressure?" 

Finn answers with his own question "You felt it too Riveria? Only Loki felt a pressure and she has ordered that the Familia is not to leave the manor. And no, I did not feel the pressure, but Loki did"  

This shocked me for the fact that Finn is a higher rank than me, but he did not feel it and that only gods or people with a high aptitude of magic seem to be the only people that can feel this pressure.

The most terrifying thing is that the someone is strong enough to be able to hide their magic pressure and that only Gods and people that are sensitive to magic can feel it because the person is so strong that they cannot fully hide their magic.

I fear that Orario will become a battle ground and that I will not be strong enough to protect those I love.


Six months later

Mystery Pov

As I walk toward the great walls of Orario a place I first heard of when is said I had to get stronger to a healer, the healer said that the strongest people are in Orario and that if I wished to get stronger that would be the place. The problem is that it was four months away from where I was and that I had to take it easy for my injuries were severe. But I made it, and the city is massive, bigger than Magnolia but not as pretty, it had its own charm as I strolled around and gawking at all of the different races. I had never seen an elf nor demi-humans or the so-called gods, they all looked foreign to me, but I tried not to be rude, and I kept my gaze fixed ahead of me when someone hits my side and trips. This person was clearly in distress when I asked what was wrong, he said monsters got out of their cages during the festival and that they are loose around the city and that the Guild is trying to round them up with the help of high-class adventures.

He notices my sword and asks for my help and promises that the guild would compensate for the damage, and I would be rewarded. As we race across the city, I smell a vulcan but when I round the corner, I was not a monster I'm used to, this thing is massive with a silver back, when I look around, I see that a young boy with white hair and a girl with black pigtails about to become monster chow I acted. Drawing my sword and charging I dodge to the right and try to slash the tendon connected to its left arm, but I miss and hit the elbow instead which enrages it and sweeps his right arm across the ground picking up dirt and rocks blinding me, I jump out of the way but is left arm is waiting for me and hits me so hard from the side that I feel two of my ribs break. I almost black out but when I remember that people's lives where on the line I get back up and dash forward right into the vulcans arms and slash at the exposed stomach four time and finishes it hitting the crystal, when I pick up the crystal, I hear a scream pierce the sky and I run towards the scream thinking that today will be a long one.

So, this is chapter one, it is a short one but hopefully you enjoyed it, and this took annoyingly long because my web browser closed for no reason and that none of the add stuff was saved so I had to rewrite it so ya I'm not happy and this was my first fight scene so hopefully it's not bad, please give your opinion and pls vote on the story:)

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