Phase part Two

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[Ais's pov]

As we head down to the 15th floor, I noticed that the stranger has yet to do anything besides some of the roles of a supporter, it made me wonder why Riviera wanted him to come down here with us when this is dangerous, and this could put Tiona and the others at more of a risk if this person is inexperienced, also I would be lying if I said this person did not rub me the wrong way, he says he is more of a hand to hand combat person yet he brought two swords two wands and a spear with him.

He also has only one arm which could make him a hindrance should we get overrun by monsters, but he holds himself with an air of confidence, he even taking a lion's share of attention when he gives his opinion on a matter.

I hear a crack behind me, and I've heard so many times that I act swiftly and spin around to attack the monster that is about to spawn into the dungeon but then I hear it all around me. 

As we close ranks Riviera to my right and Natsu to my left, I hear Natsu whisper to Riviera  

"I don't like the feeling of this "

"Why?"  Riviera asks him.

"Something big is coming and it is not happy"


"Down there" Natsu points to the path ahead.

"Alright everyone it appears that we will have a fight ahead of us do not let your guard down and watch your backs" Riviera says in a commanding voice.

Natsu takes a step forward when he sees the first monster and unsheathes his sword, he points with his sword at the hall and says "I've got this side, Ais you will take the right path, Finn on the left, Gareth will cover whoever needs it, Riviera will be in the center of the formation, Raul and Line you watch the back" he barks out the order and we don't give it a second thought.

Natsu then steps forward and charges forward when the first monster appears with reckless abandon, as we watch, he side steps the first monster and side slashes faster than I could see then with a quick follow up three more go down.

Then the monsters are on the rest of us, as we quickly get in formation, Natsu brings down ten more monsters within a span of a couple of seconds. As I divert my attention to my opponent, I start to feel the deep hatred I have for the monsters and within seconds I've brought down most of my area.

As I look around to make sure the others are ok, I feel a dark presence coming from the hallway Natsu was protecting and then an enhanced monster come out, it has one of the worst smells that I've ever encountered. Finn looks at it in shock "That's an enhanced Wendigo, they are only on floor 32, why is it up here?"

"So that's what is making this floor reeks" Natsu says with a smirk

The Wendigo did not take kindly to that and roars in response, getting ready to charge at us.

The Wendigo was over 2 meters tall, and it was so broad that you could fit 5 heads on its shoulders, it had an ape like body shape, and it had arms so long that they knuckled the floor.

Natsu does something that leaves use shocked, He roars back at the Wendigo with inhuman volume, and hunches down touching the ground with his right hand as one would do if they were starting a race.

They charge at each other and Natsu tries to dance around the Wendigo but with its impressive arm span it easily blocks Natsu off, it punches with its left and Natsu leans into the punch and giving him a chance to punch the Wendigo's right arm, as it reels back Natsu kicks it in the stomach and the Wendigo doubles over, Natsu was not able to do a follow up because the Wendigo does a sweeping motion with its arms that forces Natsu back and the Wendigo make contact with Natsu's stomach and sends him slamming to the ceiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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