Prolouge - Let the trauma begin

369 12 43

New York - 2044

Chaos. That was the best word to describe your surroundings. The sky was tinted with different purples and pinks. You used to admire these colours when they appeared in the sky. Now all they reminded you of was the terror known as the Krang.

Scanning your surroundings, you constantly check for signs of the Krang army. Heavy breathing can be heard behind you. Leo and Casey are just behind you. You force yourself to focus. You have to make it to safety - temporarily at least. Almost there...

Whipping your head around at the sound of a thud, you see that Casey and Leo have fallen. Crap crap crap! Monsters surround the two and before you can draw your weapon, glowing orange chains destroy the monsters.

"Bad doggies!" You sigh in relief. Thank god its you Mikey.
"Impeccable timing, little brother. Very dramatic." Leo snarks, but the relief is evident in his voice.

Casey sets Leo down gently against some rubble as Mikey floats over to us.
"Help him, Michelangelo. He's hurt bad." Casey pleads, as Leo removes a bloodstained hand. Something sinks in your stomach. This wasn't going to end well... Your snapped back into reality from Leo speaking once again.

"That's it. The resistance failed. The Krang won. But... but it isn't over. We've still got a ninjas greatest weapon. Hope. That and a badass mystic warrior. Mikey we need a time key. A moment passes as the two brothers share a moment.
"It'll take everything I have."
"I know. But this is our last chance. Its our only chance."

Nodding, Mikey floats away to give himself some more space.

"Wait, whats going on? Where is he going?" You watched as Mikey began the ritual you knew all too well, while Leo regained Casey's attention.
"The Krang first came to our planet through a mystic doorway. The key that opened the doorway looked like this." Leo drew the key on the back of the photo that he always kept on him.
"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because Mikey is going to send you back in time to the day that the key was stolen." You spoke up, voice firm.
"Wait, he's gonna what?"

"The people who stole the key opened the doorway for the Krang. You have to find it before it happens. Find the key. Stop the Krang." Leo continued.
"But Sensei, (Y/N)-"
"Say it!" Leo and you both tell him. Worry began to fill you. Casey can do this. I hope...

"Find the key. Stop the Krang." Casey repeats after us. Leo smiles and lats his shoulder.
"Casey." The boy turns to you. "When you get there, and if you ever get the chance can you pass on a message for me?" Casey nods, confusion evident across his features. "I want you to tell past me, to stop hiding her feelings. Tell him before its too late." The poor boy remained utterly confused, but agreed to pass on the message.

With a final smile to the two, you head back out into the chaos to give your family some extra time. You xan hear Casey calling after you, but you ignore him. I have to protect them at all costs. Several of the disembodied Krang soldiers slip through your grasp, and make there way towards the boys.

No! You spin around, ready to pounce on the Krang, your weapon - a naginata crafted by the one and only Donnie - at the ready. Something sharp pokes you. Looking down, you see the all too familiar Krangified arm stabbed through your chest. Oh look... I've been impaled. Someone was screaming... Oh wait that was you.

The grip on reality that you once had was slowly slipping away. Before you completely slipped away however you saw Leo throw Casey into the gateway that Mikey risked his life for to create. You smiled as you were tossed away. At least now you could die in peace.

Helllooo my lovely readers! Welcome to my story. A few disclaimers before we continue. In this story you are a mutant (sorry to everyone who doesn't like that). You are a loggerhead turtle mutant. These turtles have the hardest shell of all turtle species (this is relevant *wink wink*).

If you see any mistakes please let me know! And criticism and feedback is welcome.

I hope you enjoy this story so far! And I'll see you in the next chapter! Have an awesome day/night my lovelies.

A meme for your soul (if you have one)

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A meme for your soul (if you have one).

Trauma And Love Do Not MixWhere stories live. Discover now