Chapter 7 - Pain is not fun

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When you heard Leo's weak groans of pain, you knew that meant that the hug had lasted a little too long. You all split apart and turned your attention to the injured red eared slider.

"Donnie, how is he?" Donnie flipped his goggles down and scanned Leo down.
"Not good. He needs medical attention now." Donnie spoke after a moment. You nodded and turned to Raph. Raph seemed to understand what you wanted to say and got Mikey to contact April.

"Alright, Leo, we're gonna need to get you up. Do you think you can handle that?" You whispered to the boy. He groaned but nodded with a weak smile.
"OK, Don on 3, we get Leo up. Got it?" Donnie nodded, and you both grabbed Leo.
"Wait, shouldn't I help get Leo-"
"No, Raph. You're injured enough as it is." You cut off Raph and focused on not passing out. "Ready. 3.... 2... 1!" You and Donnie lifted the broken red eared slider. Leo screamed as he was lifted, his wounds stretching and bleeding out.

Mikey turned back to you all, horror written across his face.
"April's on her way." You placed Leo's arm around your shoulders, nodding to Mikey.
"Is everyone else alright?" You asked. "And don't say you are because I will slap you." You threatened.

Mikey quickly retracted his 'I'm fine' statement.
"My arms burn, but otherwise, I'm fine." He spoke softly. You filed that knowledge for safekeeping. Before anyone else could answer your question, April pulled up in a kidnapper van. (Ya know a big white van).

Opening the back doors, she gasped in shock at the sight of Leo. Ushering him (and you and Donnie because you were still holding Leo up), Leo was gently placed on the back seat. Splinter got Leo to lay down, and his head rested in Splinter's lap. Don't pass out. Not yet.

Donnie went around checking everyone else's wounds, and when he got to you, he paused.
"C-Can I take a look at your leg?" You glanced to your leg - blood began to seep through your makeshift bandage - and then returned your gaze back to the soft shell.
"She'll be right." You waved off. Donnie looked at you with a confused eyebrow raised. Shit. Talked too fast, and my accent came through... Sobbing internally, you repeated what you said, and Donnie seemed sceptical.

April parked the car, and you exited before Donnie could continue questioning you. You made eye contact with Casey, who had tears in his eyes.
"(Y/N) I..." Casey sobbed, not able to finish his sentence. Your gaze softened, and you scooped Casey into your arms.
"Shhhh it's ok." You softly petted Casey's head. You continued to comfort the poor boy while everyone else exited the van.
"C-Casey?" Leo groaned out, exiting the van with the help of Donnie and Mikey. Casey pulled away from you at the sound of his master's voice.
"Sensei." He croaked out, tears flooding down his face. Leo smiled weakly.

"Alright, boys. Let's finish this heart to heart later." You lead the boys into the lair.

Taking a deep breath, you tried to force away the black spots that danced in your vision.
"Alright. Raph, Mikey, April, and Splinter, you guys go ahead and get each other fixed up. Donnie, go get the Med Bay setup. Casey, you'll help me get Leo to the Med Bay." Everyone listened to your orders, and they all set off.

"Ready Case?" You turned to the boy. He nodded.
"Alright. 3... 2... 1!" Once again, you lifted Leo while he screamed in agony. Essentially dragging Leo to the Med Bay, you all made it. You stepped up to Donnie (after you sat Leo down on a bed, obviously). The soft shell was staring at the screen, eyes furrowed. He had just scanned Leo, and it did not look good.

Casey came over to scrutinise as well.
"We.." Casey stopped when Donnie and you looked at him. You motioned for him to continue. "We should stitch up the wounds we can get to first. He's bleeding everywhere." You nodded. Casey told Donnie what supplies they were gonna need, and he left in a hurry.
"We should give him some painkillers before we stitch him up." You voiced.
"Noooo." Leo cried out. "Painkillers make me sleeppyyy." Eyes wide, your brain flashed through all the times that Leo seemed a little too sleepy for your liking.

Shaking your head - bIg MiStAkE - you watched as Casey inserted a drug into the blue clad turtle. Donnie rushed in, and you got to work. Casey grabbed the needle while you and Donnie were tasked with keeping Leo in place.
"Alright, here we go." Casey took a deep breath and began. Since the painkillers hadn't kicked in yet, Leo was obviously in agony. Using all your remaining strength, you forced Leo back from moving. You glanced at Donnie. He seemed to be lost in his head, and just as you were about to call out to him, he backed away.

The soft shell began to stim. Casey paused in his actions, and you quickly went over to the soft shell.
"Hey Dee? Do you wanna go and clean yourself up? Casey and I can take care of Leo just fine." You refrained yourself from touching Donnie, afraid that you add to his overstimulated brain. He nodded, and swiftly left the room. You noticed that his steps seemed a bit wobbly.

"April. Come in April." You spoke through your communicator.
"Can you go check on Dee. He just went to clean himself up."
"On it. Is Leo OK?" You looked up to said turtle, and he threw a thumbs up.
"He'll be alright." You sighed.
"Ok. April out."

Casey retook his position, and you readied yourself.


Who knows how long later, Casey was finally finished. Sighing, you stepped away and looked back down at your leg. Blood was dripping down said leg and you gulped. It could be a lot worse.

"Alright. We should give Leo something so that he'll sleep. We can look at his shell later." You nodded. Everything kept spinning, spinning, and spinning. And was that God?

"(Y/N)?" Casey called out. Why did he sound so far away?
"I.." You dropped to the floor and finally gave into the black spots. So tirreedd...

A/N: Heyyyy I'm bacckk. I apologise for the shorter chapter. I'll make it up to you with some fluff. Y'all deserve it.

Also I would just like to thank you all for reading this story so far. Your comments and reads mean so much to me. Y'all have made life a little more joyful for me so thank you 😊

I finally have a design for (Y/N). Of course, you can change how she looks. However, this is what I had in mind. (Also, her shell is spiky bc she is a loggerhead turtle). The marks on her skin are black as well and they glow when she uses her powers. (Like how Leo's and Donnie's do).

Have a lovely day/night my lovelies! Peace out

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Have a lovely day/night my lovelies! Peace out.

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