"Piss off! No, not you, mom..."

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I phoned Teresa as soon as I got home. To avoid wasting my precious free minutes, I skyped her instead, and of course, she went and added Minho.

"So, what was it you wanted to tell us, greenbean?" chuckled Minho. I rolled my eyes and just sighed.

"Well, it was just going to be Teresa... but I got you as well," I said disdainfully. He clutched his chest in mock pain and horror. "Your words hurt me, Greenie. I'm going to go and cry now!" I just raised my eyebrows. Minho was great, but a bit of a handful sometimes. Minho no. 1 drama queen.

"Well?" Teresa said impatiently. "If you two have finished being dorks, I'd quite like to find out what was SO important it couldn't wait until I see you at school on Monday?"

"Oh damn!" yelled Minho, "That sass though!"

Teresa and I both sighed. Minho really was beyond help.

"I saw a boy-" I began, but was completely cut of by screeching.


I winced. My friends were utterly insane.

"As I was saying...." I said, and they were finally quiet, "There was a boy in the practice rooms and he was literally my idea of the perfect human being. He was playing the piano and everything, he's grade six I saw his book. He was blond and adorable and I think he's in the year above and he's like an older version of that kid from Love Actually and-"

"THOMAS!" shouted Teresa. "Yeah, we get it, you're completely infatuated."

Minho started to smirk. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, and started scrolling.

"Minho," I said apprehensively, "What exactly are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing," he grinned. "Gottagobye!"

Teresa and I chatted for a bit longer before she had to go. I just lay on my bed, pondering. Going through scenarios where we could possibly meet, where we could be together.

My mom came up into my room after a bit. It had just been me and her ever since I could remember, but she's all I'll ever need. She's the most accepting, wonderful person I know.

"What's wrong, Tom?" she asked. "Boy troubles? Did you have a boyfriend who broke up with you?"

I smiled softly. "No, mom, it's nothing. Just some guy I saw today who probably doesn't even know I exist."

"Honey, don't say that. For all you know he could be sitting in his room thinking about you too." she got up and walked out.

She paused in the doorway. "Dinner's in five, you might want to wash your hands and set the table for me."

With a groan, I got up and went downstairs begrudgingly.

After dinner, my phone started buzzing incessantly, so I finally answered it. Minho's excited voice greeted me. "Hi, Thomas. Guess what?"


"I found him on Instagram!"

I sat bolt upright. "You're kidding."

"Nope. His name is newt_isaac17."

"How d'you know it's him?"

"Check if you want."

I grabbed my laptop and opened up Instagram. I typed in the name and it was him. His profile picture was him looking unbelievably cute in a beanie, with a bio of "Great. We're all bloody inspired." I scrolled through his profile, breathless with excitement. After playing a couple of his videos, I realised he had a British accent, only making my crush on him even bigger.

"Hello? Greenie? You there?"

"Yeah, sorry."

"Ooh, does Thomas like what he sees?"

"Piss off! No, not you mom... sorry"

By this point, Minho was in complete hysterics. I gave up on trying to get a coherent sentence out of him and just hung up, my finger hovering over the little green follow button.


Chapter two my lovelies. Enjoy!

Rosa x

That One Random Dude (Newtmas)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang