"3 o'bloody clock in the morning?!"

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The boy's fingers brushed the strings as he finished the last chord of "Can't help falling in love", his voice quietly humming the outro. That dark haired boy was filling his every thought, creeping into every crevice of his mind. He knew it was just a follow on Instagram, but he was a dreamer, and couldn't help but "what if..."

What if it had meant something more? What if right now he was daydreaming about the blond haired boy he had seen earlier that day? What if-

Nope. He wasn't doing any of those things. Because that boy, that Thomas, his Tommy - was sitting on the pavement. Except he wouldn't call it pavement, he'd call it "sidewalk" in that adorable accent of his.

Anyhow, it was 3 am, and he was sitting there without a coat on. He looked freezing. His lips were tainted purple (not as though Newt was looking, though. Absolutely not.) So, of course, he did the most sensible thing to do in that situation.

He leaned out the window, and asked him what he could possibly be doing outside his house at 3 o'bloody clock in the morning.

Newt found it rather amusing to see the expressions rapidly flying across his face. Surprise, recognition, embarrassment, and finally, slightly sheepish.

"Uhh, I was just, um, going for a walk. At 3am. Yeah." He blushed.

Newt smirked. "Well, you look bloody freezing. Want to come inside?"

"Won't your parents mind?"

"Nah. It's just me and Mum, and she's on a business trip this week, so you're alright."

"Oh. O-okay then." Newt grinned impishly.

"Be down in one minute" he said. The clattering of feet on stairs was audible, then the soft click of door keys. A muffled voice came from inside. "Gimme a sec!" Then, the door was open, and Thomas was inside before Newt could even register what he'd done.

"So," Newt said casually as he led Thomas into the kitchen. "Hot chocolate? Coffee? Personally, I prefer Earl Grey, but that's probably 'cause I'm British." Thomas had visibly relaxed, and laughed a little. "Just a coffee would be great, please."

They sat in slightly awkward silence as their drinks brewed. "I'm Newt, by the way." the blonde boy said. "Short for Newton, but nobody really calls me that."

"Nice to meet ya. I'm Thomas. Do you invite random strangers into your house often?" Thomas grinned slyly.

"Just you, Tommy. Wait, can I call you Tommy?" Thomas nodded. "Anyway, we're not strangers - you're at St Ava's, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I have seen you around school before. Like in the music rooms the other day - you're really good ya know." Newt flushed pink.

"Thanks. You play, then?" Thomas nodded. He opened his mouth to explain when the kettle beeped. Newt got up and grabbed two mugs.

"We should try a duet or something later, ya know. If you want?"

"That'd be great."

"Milk? Sugar?"

"No milk, two sugars, please". Newt's hands were slightly shaking as he stirred the coffee, but it was because he was tired, not because he was nervous or anything. "Here you go." Thomas accepted the coffee with a quiet "thanks", and they sipped their drinks in silence.

"Wanna go upstairs?" Newt suggested.

The two boys made their way upstairs quietly. Thomas looked around the house, seeing pictures of a tiny baby Newt and mentally aww'ing. In Newt's room, there were framed vinyl covers, a huge stack of records & a record player, plus a guitar leaning on the bed and a small keyboard crammed into the corner. The walls were white, and there were blue blankets and pillows on the bed. It was homely, and crammed full to the brim with stuff.

"Duet now?" Newt asked. The two boys brainstormed songs for a while, before coming up with "Young Volcanoes" by Fall Out Boy. Newt discovered that Thomas had very similar music taste to him, and was developing an even bigger crush on the brunette.

Thomas strummed the first chords, gentle fingers almost caressing the strings. Newt was mesmerised.

"When Rome's in ruins, we are the lions, free of the colosseums,"

"In poisoned places, we are anti-venom, we're the beginning of the end," Newt was shocked as Thomas' voice harmonized with his own, melodious and slightly gravelly.

"Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds, and it's all over now, before it has begun," Their vocal chemistry was perfect, two voices singing as one in perfect harmony. They looked each other in the eyes.

"We've already won."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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