The little green button

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My finger hadn't moved for at least half an hour.

My stupid internal conflict of Stalker vs He's REALLY hot left me trying to figure out if I should follow him or not, and with every post I saw I got deeper and deeper. And then there were the videos...

God, tons of them. His fingers just brushing the ivory keys of a piano, deftly moving as the soft cadence of his melodious voice barely echoed over the music. Artsy, tumblr photos showed me he was more perceptive than I thought previously. And the selfie... how someone can be unbelievably adorable while simultaneously hot was beyond me.

So although it was only instagram, it mattered more than it should. Until, of course, my mom barged through the door, making me jump and scaring me so much my finger jerked onto the follow button, turning it solidly and decidedly green.


She apologized and left me to panic about my crisis. If I unfollowed him it would look weird. But maybe following him looked weirder? Maybe I was overanalysing just slightly?!

But before I became completely panicked, a little flash of orange alerted me that I had a new follower. Namely, newt_isaac17. Trying not to squeal, I texted Teresa to let her know the latest developements.  I now knew his name, and even better, he knew mine!

Later, I lay in bed, unable to sleep. 

What if I DM'd him? 

What if he DM'd me?! 

What if he followed me as a joke?

Or out of pity?

And what if that girl he was with in all those photos was his girlfriend?

There was no way I was sleeping at all. 

I pulled on yesterday's jeans and a tank top, a grey hoodie over that, and shoved my feet into some converse. Sleep could wait, as it was already 3am. Nobody would be around at this time. Would they?

The answer: apparently, judging by the soft music playing from a couple blocks away. 

I'd walked for a bit, but stopped once I heard some guitar coming from the window of one of the houses. The voice singing along sounded so familiar, but I couldn't place it. I just sat on the kerb, thinking about Newt.

Honestly, why did I always fall for the unreachable ones? Before Ben, there had been numerous crushes. Most notably, a very cute Italian, who had, of course, already got a boyfriend who was blond, athletic and much hotter than me. 

I was abruptly pulled from my reverie by a voice calling from the window. The achingly familiar one, who had now stopped singing. I froze.

"Not that I mind having an audience, but is there any reason why you're outside my house at 3 o'bloody-clock in the morning?"


I am so so so so sorry about not updating! But here it is, short, and written in the middle of the night, but hey, I hope you like it!

Rosa x

P.S: Anyone who is multifandom feel free to guess who Thomas' ex-crush and his boyfriend are ;)

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