The High lord of Winter

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Name: Kamdor Alber Kuzan

Nickname: "Lion"

Titles: High lord of winter

The Calamity


              The White Lion of Winter

Age: 199

Gender: Male

Court: winter court

Species: High Fae


Ice manipulation/creation: Kamdor possesses the ability of the winter court to create, control and manipulate ice and snow. While this is common in his court Kamdors connection to this magic is so extreme he can freeze his surroundings near instantly from his simple presence, turn his body to ice and alter the weather.

Windowing: Like most other high fae he has the ability to travel over long and short distances using this ability.

Mind resistance: To prevent himself being manipulated by members of his court he can shield himself from mental attacks as well as being able to identify individuals attempting to invade his mind.

A cold heart: Having a cold heart offers him an immunity to the cold, even the harshest of conditions leaves him unaffected.

Flight: Able to generate a set of ice wings on his back giving him the ability to fly.

Sexuality: Straight


A thin and relatively frail man of average height. He has hip length snow white air and somehow paler white skin which are accompanied by pale blue eyes which imitate balls of ice with white irises.

He often wears silver on his person which includes a half crown of crystal like ice which erupts form his head, a pair of silver gauntlets which start at his elbows and end at his palms on his hands. accompanying this his clothes are often heavy fur overcoats and trousers but keeping his chest and feet exposed.

On the area of his chest where his heart is the skin is actually a light shade of blue giving the appearance of crystal through which you can see his frozen heart. Interestingly Kamdors arms are longer than the average person by almost half a foot with long thin fingers.


To say Kamdor is lacking a personality is a gross understatement. Kamdors frozen heart has affected him in the way that he does not feel either emotion or pain. His parents were concerned about this and gave him a sheltered up bringing which has only served to make his condition worse.

He has an eternal air of being distant, uninterested and incredibly bored with all things. From affairs of state to personal conversations he never breaks this uninterested state. Quite often he is either fidgeting and barely ever makes eye contact instead preferring to gaze at something else.

However this has also gives him an air of neutrality in all things often making him fair in arguments as well as level headed and calm. But he does have his limits, when he feels annoyance or something mimicking anger, he expresses it in cold remarks and quick retribution.

Kamdor has a genuine obsession with knowledge and strangely enough, emotions. Because he doesn't have many of his own he attempts to study these emotions and particularly enjoys sculpting or painting them. However this has lead him to be somewhat psychotic as when he finds an emotion he hasn't got in his collection, he desires it and will strive to take it by freezing its owner while expressing the emotions.

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