High Fae of the Night court

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Name: Cassian Del Rouge

Nickname: "Joker" - "Jack"

Title: The Spymaster
                   The Torturer
                           The Underworld boss

Age: 2666

Gender: Male

Court: Night

Species: High fae

Sexuality: Straight


Mind control: The ability to control humans, fae and even some high fae like puppets.

Mind resistance: While he's good at getting in, he's also a master at keeping others out. Not by forming a wall, but creating a labyrinth of madness within his mind that others are soon to get lost in.

Shadow manipulation: Like other members of the night court he can manipulate shadows, meld to them and make them into a mouldable form.

Mind Reading and shattering: Cassian specialises in the ability to manipulate a persons mind and to see into it. He forces his ways in and tears a mind apart for to enter. While not able to inflict this on a large scale once he has his claws in someone, he rips them apart, slowly.

Winnowing: Cassian has the ability to winnow from one place to another.


The famed Jokers appearance is a strange one, even for many fae. His skin is a pale white and covered in black tattoos of various symbol and runes.

He has a long plume of black hair trailing from his head to his feet which is more like a mane than hair. His face is always hidden behind a demonic mask that he wears, it portrays a laughing demon which also has tears pouring from its eyes.

Cassians face has only been seen by a select few people. The High Lord of night is one.

He has a relatively tall and thinner frame and keeps his attire to vibrant red colours that contrast the white of his mask and black of his hair.

He has a set of glove like gauntlets which have sharpened silver on the ends to give the appearance of claws.


Cassian is an incredibly arrogant, prideful, and carefree person. He seems to have a penchant for dramatic phrasing, as well as a habit of exaggerated posing when giving declarations. He fears very few people, as he openly taunts those of equal or greater rank.

Many would describe him as a sick, twisted and broken creature not even worth calling a man. To his enemies he is playful and not afraid of being hurt or berated.

He also loves causing and inflicting pain, torture and his favourite thing, to play with a persons mind.

To a few like the high general and especially he has a surprising level of submissiveness towards them often referring to them as his master or lord.

His worse crimes is to humans, he adores breaking them. While many fae in the night court are rather cruel, Cassian takes the cake and eats its before making another one

He's foul, sadistic and cruel. Prone to anger and violent outbursts, random acts of cruelty followed by hours of crying over something he doesn't ever talk about.


Cassian Del Rouge came from a family of minor importance within the night court. His parents were uneventful people who's only notable deed was producing four children.

Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam Del Rouge came first, a set of triplets. Cassian was born a few years later.

As fourth in line Cassian was sent to the night courts infamous training camps to become a soldier and possibly raze the family standing through soldiery.

It was there Cassian met a young man by the name of Orion, at first it he didn't even realise the man who became one of his closest friends was in fact the future High Lord of Night himself.

The two became firm friends, Cassian fitted with Orion well, while his friend was ambitious, powerful and becoming a master of court politics, Cassian was humble, an average spellcaster and politically dull.

But Cassian was something and that was loyal. He served his friend faithfully for many years helping to advance his standing in court and train his magic abilities.

It looked as though Cassian would become the right hand man of the future high lord. That was until his sudden disappearance.

Overnight he vanished, searches proved useless. Nobody heard from either himself or any would be kidnapper.

He vanished for more than ten years before simply showing up again with no recollection of the time lost.

Life got back to normal and he and Orion were back to being close again.

But once again, something would change. Cassian without provocation or apparent reason killed Orions mother in cold blood and with her the unborn child.

The next few years, Orion tortured, beat and eventually broke Cassian over the death of his mother.

Cassian didn't try to defend himself and seemed to simply accept his fate. Kept in the dark and tortured in such brutal methods which left him scarred both physically and mentally he broke.

It was only when he was broken and Orion delved into his mind that he realised his friend has been tortured and mind controlled by some unknown entity to conduct the murder of his mother.

He tried to put his friend back together realising the mistake he had made. But it was to late, there was so little of Cassian to put back together that his mind had to fill in the gaps.

It left him insane, shattered and broken. He would once again disappear.

Orion announced Cassian had been executed for his crimes and it was left like that.

It was until nearly two hundred years later that a powerful underworld figure began to emerge. A masked man simply taking the name. Joker.

Joker seemed to have spy's everywhere. It kept him well informed of events inside the night court and others.

Joker soon became Orions spymaster. A job he would take with vicious efficiency. In the Night court his reputation is one of horror, the mysterious Joker seems unwaveringly loyal to Orion.


A master in spying and stealth with contacts all over the 7 courts.

A specialist in mind invasion magics.

He is remarkably more intelligent and dangerous than many give him credit for.


Only a select few people know that Joker is in fact Cassian Del Rouge. One is the High lord, another is the High general of the night court. (If you would like to have this secret, please offer a good reason for knowing so)

Joker is scared of sunlight and avoids the day court like an infection.

Only 2 people have seen under his mask, this is the High lord and High general of the night court.

Joker often refers to Cassian as a different person and despises him.


"A good Dog I am"

"So many voices, such little time"

"I see the strings, I can see them"

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