The Malcious Talon

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Name: Caesar Maegor Erix

Alias: The Malicious Talon

Theme Song: Painkiller - Three days grace

Nicknames: "Erix" / "Maegor"

Age: 26

Sexual orientation: Straight

Species: were dragon

Nationally/Accent: British

Occupation: Prince and General

Residency: Erix Imperial Palace


Main Appearance/ Face claim: James Purefoy

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Hazel

Height: 6,8ft

Body Type: Tall and Muscular build

Scars: He has one deep embedded scar from a obsidian spear plunged into his chest. The skin has healed around the obsidian spear head which is still embedded within his body.

Piercings/ Tattoos: He has his families crest branded into his back.

Apparel: Most often he wears either armour or military uniform or the Erix empire. On other occasions he wears simple pants and white shirts.


Relationship status: Widower

Current Roleplay relationships: Only an occasional fling with the Jewel of the Nile.

Thoughts on relationships: Since losing his first partner he has grown distant from emotional attachments preferring his encounters to be that of simply lustful transactions.



1) A Military Man:
To describe him as anything else would be short of heresy, he has devoted his life to serving both Erix and its military. As such he's picked up the traits of what he believes is a good military commander. This involves factors like being patient, reasonable but with an ability to do the necessary things which he believes will achieve victory.

2) Cruel:
As the name suggests the talon strives on cruelty, his belief that war is won through fear and subjugation have lead him to have sadistic tendencies of violence. In particular he delights in torturing vampires, either through gradual sunlight exposure or the removal of fangs.

3) A strategic mind:
Despite his tendencies, Ceaser is still an experienced military commander with a cunning and tactical skill to match. He's smarter than he often portrays or likes to show off.

4) Socially awkward:
Life in the military and fighting has left little room in his life for encounters of the mundane, he finds himself unable to cope with situations he cannot handle with brute force of soldiers.









Insults to his family


Expert and feared warrior

Tactical and military genius

Expert torturer


Politically inept

An inability to accept an insult to his person or honour.

Fears that he will find his soulmate and betray the memory of his dead partner.

Fear of obsidian due to its ability to hurt him.

Fears he will be forced to pick a side between his brothers.


As a second son, Caesar was not meant to take the throne but also was needed in case of his bothers death.

As such a life in the military was chosen for him at a young age. Seeing death, brutal combat and misery at such a young age lead him to have some violent tendencies, which he would take out of prisoners.

During his youth he would meet and marry a commoner in secret and have a daughter. His wife would pass away not long after and his daughter was kept in hiding.

He has been long anticipating war with the other two races and has proposed several times to simply destroy them and find the hybrid queen himself.

On several occasions he has been forced to fight his younger brother to contain him during his blackout episodes. He doesn't believe his brother has no control over these blackouts and holds the death of many of the people over his head.

Additional information:

Has a secret daughter called Octavia Vasenya Erix

Owns the largest collection of artwork in the Erix empire. He is particularly fond of sculptures.

He suffers from a condition which limits his ability to feel pain, while this has lead him to be stronger in battle he has found that obsidian still causes him great levels of pain.

He is the the largest dragon form in the Erix empire. Slightly bigger than his older brother, though not as powerful.

Thoughts on vampires:

He believes there immortality is a sham. He has a fascination with torturing the species.

Thoughts on werewolves:

He sees them as a more worthy adversary and seeks to recruit them into the army.

Thoughts on humans:
Strangely he has a very indifferent opinion on the humans. He doesn't view them with admiration like his own kind or that of werewolves but doesn't have a strange obsession with proving them inferior like he does with vampires.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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