Sex With Eyes

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I was walking around the school building, skipping third period, which was science with the cheer coach

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I was walking around the school building, skipping third period, which was science with the cheer coach.

No teacher was out of their classroom due to lessons going on, but a few sent students out of classrooms to drop off or pick up stuff from other teachers and such.

There wasn't much we did in science anyways, so my teacher wouldn't notice me not being there, nor would she care.

I was basically her favorite anyways, and even if I wasn't, she was pretty chill.

Five minutes went by, then ten, soon fifteen minutes had passed by the second.

Nothing much was happening anyways.

Everyone in their corresponding classes, teachers doing their jobs, etc.

Well, not everyone.

"Decided to join us [L/N]?" I heard from behind me. I was currently outside of school but still in the field, looking for some peace and sympathy.

I looked back at the tall figure, noticing how much of a fool he looked.

"Go away Moose, what kind of name even is that? Your parents must really hate you if they named you after an animal. I mean, if I had a child, I would spare them the humiliation, even if I hated them." I chuckled at his face, I knew it was a touchy subject to talk about with him.

Well, not like you could talk with him anyways, the dude has little to no friends. They all talked behind his back, spreading rumors every other day.

One time, one of the guys spread a rumour that he was sleeping around with one of his teachers, and almost everyone believed it since, well, it was Moose.

"Ha! Says you! Your parents were so disappointed and humiliated that they had to move to a new town! How sad is that?!" He laughed loudly, his little minions along with him.

"My parents? Oh please, they are anything but humiliated with me, they would brag about me to their friends all the time. That can't be said the same about you though, not like your parents have any friends, but you know what they say, the kid comes from the parent. Your dad is always so drunk that he can't even talk properly. Even my little brother can do better at English than him!"

His face was flushed red, not with embarrassment, but with anger.

He basically looked like an apple, a cherry, a mad man.

But he already was a mad man.

He threw a punch, going straight to my face and managed to hit me due to the shock, but I surely didn't let that one slide cause after he tried to punch me again I kicked him behind the right leg, knowing it was his weak leg.

Once his knee hit the ground, I grabbed him by the hair and with my other leg I kneed him in the face several times.

His friends tried to grab me, but I elbowed both of them on the stomach, making them both hold onto themselves to make the pain go away, but I grabbed both of their heads and made their foreheads kiss.

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