A Black Ban?

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"You hear that?" Gabby asked me, to which I nodded

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"You hear that?" Gabby asked me, to which I nodded.

"How fucking loud can someone be?" I asked her in return. The sound came from behind the Grab-N-Go, it was probably a couple.

They were obviously having hard sex.

"Ugh, that's disgusting." Whispered Gabby, looking down to the floor with red cheeks.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, let's go, I hate hearing them."

"Wanna check out where he was last seen?" Asked Gabby and I nodded my head yes, getting out my radio to inform the other till something caught my eye.

"Hey, tell me I ain't going crazy." I whispered.

There was a black ban passing by the Grab-N-Go, with the logo of a spade and words under it saying 'Abracadabra Entertainment & Supplies'

By the looks of it, a man with a top hat was driving the ban.

His face was pale, but it obviously was make-up since it wasn't a natural pale.

"Yeah, you ain't. All about him and the ban screams red flags." She whispered back.

I grabbed my Walkie-talkie from my front pocket, and leaned on the wall to the right of the Pinball Machine, watching as Hopper played.

"Hey, y'all copy?" I asked.

"Yeah." it was Aryanah.

"You bet." Ren answered.

"There's this ban," I told, "it's all black and has a stamp on it, like if it was a circus of sort."

It was quiet at first, only sound I was able to hear was the point scoring Vance did every other second.

"Alright, we'll be careful." Said Gaby.

"We'll keep y'all updated on his location, since he's currently at the Grab-N-Go with us." I whispered.

It went silent for a few minutes till I grabbed my Walkie-talkie again, watching the pale man closely.

"Gaby, come pick up Gabby for me."

"What?!" Gabby asked, stunned at how I wanted to be left by myself with a suspicious old man waiting for one of us to leave so he could hunt us down.

"Pick her up through the back." I ordered through the radio, getting a simple 'alright' back.

"[Y/N], you are basically asking to be killed!" She whisper-yell at me.

"I need you to be safe, it's been barely an hour and this guy already showed up." I whispered back.

I didn't want her to end up missing, no way I was risking it.

"What about you?" She asked softly after calming down her nerves.

I thought about it, but it was simple quick thinking. There was not much to it, I could either stay here with Vance or stalk the guy enough to find at least something about him.

"I'll be fine." I told her as I got the sign from Ren through the radio that they were here.

"Go through the back, and make sure you don't get seen on your way out." I told her, hugging her tight before she left.

"Good luck." I whispered to no one.

I went and leaned on the wall next to Vance, watching him play and keeping an eye out for the ban.

"You looking for 'Mr. Oh-So-Popular'?" Vance asked me.

"You are one to talk, Hopper, everyone knows you, making you just as popular, if not more than him." I told him, still staring at the machine.

He don't look away from the arcade game he was so obsessed about.

"Everyone knows me because they know not to mess with me. They know him because he's nothing but a pretty face."

I didn't say anything. There wasn't much I could say to him about that, he was right after all.

I did talk to Yamada, but it wasn't an everyday thing, we only talked when it came to orchestra class, him being a first chair cello while I was a first chair violin.

He was very talented, I give him that, but even for that, everyone who went to our concerts was there to see his 'beauty.'

I shrugged at Vance, humming along.

"That ban won't be going anywhere any time soon unless you leave, you know." He told.

I shrugged, "Then I guess I should stay here."

"They will close the store in about 10 minutes from now, no way you aren't getting out alive."

I was thinking about it earlier, I knew I told Gabby I would come up with a plan, but in truth to be told, I couldn't. It was nothing but a suicide mission.

The odds of being kidnapped were very high, even if I was with her. I didn't want her to get hurt, so I had to lead her out of the store safely without her being seen.

I didn't realize I was in such deep thoughts, not until the cashier called out to us, telling us to leave for closure, "Then I guess I will be the next one." I whispered to myself, but Vance was able to catch.

Hopper grabbed my arm, leading me out of the back door, "Come on, I'll drop you off."

"What's this? Some romance movie of sorts? I can defend myself, and you know that." I told him, not wanting to get him caught up in my trouble.

"Be grateful, you fucker, I'm saving your ass from getting killed." He said harshly.

I only looked at him, staring at the back of his head due to him walking in front of me.

I looked back a few times, making sure that the ban wasn't following us. We only saw it once, but with the rush running through my system I told Vance to go through a small alley where he won't be able to drive through, making him have to drive around it, taking about a minute or two due to its curves.

In the mean time when it was making its way towards us slowly, we ran as fast as we could to make him lose our trail. We ran through a few alleys, making sure that they were shortcuts to my house.

Once we reached it, he let go of my arm, making the warm leave to try and warm up the cold around the air.

"Thank you, Hopper." I said, bowing down slightly in gratitude. If it wasn't for him, then I might've gone missing, not to be seen ever again.

"Vance." He said, with a surprisingly calm expression resting on his face.

I looked at him in confusion, letting out a small 'huh?'

"Just call me Vance, I despise it when you call me Hopper." He admitted.

After the shock passed, I nodded to him quickly, making sure he knew that I heard him correctly.

"Thank you once again, I owe you one, and a big one." I said.

"It's alright, now go and make sure you don't die, 'cause I won't be there to save your sorry ass." He ordered.

I chuckled slightly but then looked up at him with a serious face, "What about you? Will you be alright?"

He looked taken aback with my worrying about him, but he nodded quickly after that, "I live just right around the corner, so I will be fine."

I hummed and walked up to the footsteps of my door, "Be safe, Vance, 'cause I promise I'll drag you out of hell if you die." We both chuckled lightly.

Once we bid our goodbyes I made sure to watch him walk away from my house safely through my bedroom window.

I really wouldn't forgive myself if he was to be kidnapped thanks to me and my slow thinking.

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