Part 1

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Every time I heard about Cousins it always made me wish I could experience it too. They always talked about the late night swims and the early days on the beach. The Fishers were like my second family and when they left every summer it was like a piece of me had left as well. 

I always heard about the people in cousins. The people they considered their second family; Belly, Steven, and Laurel. Sure, I had fun over the summer hanging out with my siblings and friends but it was never the same without Con and Jere. They made some of my worst days amazing. I always wished I could spend at least some of a summer with them. To see what they are like in the summer. I always got them when we were all huddled up by the fire place trying to get warm. I never got them hanging around by the pool laughing about all the dumb thing they did last summer. Did they ever tell some of the times in school or doing winter when we got in snowball fights?

 The months of June to August were probably my least favorite part of the whole year.  When I saw them leaving for Cousins every summer. I should be used to it by now because I have seen them do it for about 14 years but the sadness has never gone away. It feels like when Hayden comes to visit and then has to leave again. There is so much excitement while he is here and then when he leaves you feel so lonely not knowing what to do anymore.

Hayley always asked me why I have never gone with them. I could never give her a good answer. I always told her I have never got the opportunity to go because that is the truth. I would never just invite myself. That would just be intruding on their life. Cousins Beach was their second home and I would never want to interrupt their summer like that. I never thought that I might actually be invited to come this summer. 

Author note! 

I hope you enjoyed the first part! Let me know if I should change anything!  

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