chapter 6

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The next morning, I woke up to find Ouma-kun gone.

'What the hell? I swear he was right here.. Oh.. he must have left. He could have left me a damn note or something.'

I got out of my thoughts and I went to get ready. I didnt run indo Kaede today. Infact, when I got to school Miu told ne Kaede wasnt going to be there. I went straight to go find Ouma-kun. I found him in the bathroom after looking everywhere. It looked like he was crying about something.

"I-is someone in here.?"


'Shit...Stop crying dammit!' I quickly stopped crying and before I could say anything the strange voice said,

"I'm Shuichi Saihara.. If you need help please tell me and I can find some."


"Sh-Shuichi.. is that you..?" I asked softly, but loud enough for Shuichi to hear.

"Kokichi..! What happened open the door and tell me everything." Shuichi was now more forceful than before.

I opened the door and told him everything. How this group of kids bully me daily, how my parents are abusive and homophobic, and how I just dont feel safe around anyone.... but him.

Shuichi pulled out a notepad from his bag and said,



"Give me their names. of everybody you just mention Ouma."

I didnt question Shuichi. If he told me something, I would do it... to an extent. I told him the names of everyone. That was the first time he called me "Ouma" other that that time he almost suffocated me but
nevermind that. Shuichi's eyes had gone from green-grey to dark green. Then from dark green

"Y-your eyes.. Shuichi!"

"Im aware Ouma. Is there anything else your hiding from me?" Shuichi sounded a bit softer but still very forceful. He said as he placed his hand on my chin.


'Yes. Yes there is something I'm hiding from you. I fucking lied. Can't you see that?'

"Good. I cant afford you getting hurt."

After Shuichi said that, the bell rang and before I could say anything Shuichi left.

'Should I be worried..?"

As I was walking down the hall to class I ran into Tsumugi.

"Ah! I'm so sorry Tsumugi! Please dont hurt me!"

"Huh? I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanted to know if you wanted to join a version of Danganronpa I created, I got full permission to do so by Team Danganronpa!"


•Oh Ouma-kun~•《FINISHED》Where stories live. Discover now